Caricature made from scrap materials

in #diy6 years ago


Hello everyone!

It's been a while since my last post so today, I want to share to you how I made this caricature of my friend by using scrap materials.


  • old rubber mat
  • egg trays
  • paint
  • old woods
  • handle of the paper bag
  • masking tape
  • reinforcing bar
  • gawgaw
  • assorted papers
  • finishing nails
  • glue gun/ glue stick


The first thing that I did was the main base and frame of the skeleton of the caricature using some reinforcing bar, wires, and finishing nails to fix/lock the skeleton in the stand.

Then I started on filling it with assorted papers to form the shape of the whole face, body, and feet.
After that, I wrapped it up with masking tape to make sure that the papers will be intact.

Next, it's time to add some details like shoes, clothes, hands, and hair. So I used an old rubber mat and cut it to the desired shape and size depending on the details that I'm doing

After doing the one pair of its shoes. I decided to cover it again with some old papers and newspapers. You can see some school shoes in the picture, I used them as a guide and reference while doing the shoes of the caricature.

Done with the newspapers, time to dry it off under the sun. Wait for it for about one hour and when the body dried it's time to put its clothes and the other details

The shoes were now done, and I put some pieces of thin boxes on the face to serve as a my guide while putting some paper mache on the face.

The pants is done and also the face has now eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, and ears.

Putting the suit of the caricature. I also looked for some photos for my reference while making the suit. It was an easy way for me to figure out the shape of the cloth because I have guide

After that, I added the hands and the hair by cutting lots of strips of rubber mat

For the last step, I painted it to give a life in the caricature. Then, I knot the handle of the paper bag that will serve as a shoe lace

And it's done!