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RE: Questions for SteemIt Inc.

in #discussion7 years ago

I agree that it would be nice to know. From the outside, Steemit often seems like a rudderless ship just sort of drifting aimlessly around the block chain - although recently a sense of direction may have started to emerge. Even massive ninja-mines don't last forever, so I have often wondered about their plan for generating income. But I am an investor in Steem, not Steemit. Aside from things that have a direct impact on the blockchain, I'm not sure if Steemit really owes us any answers about their business plans.

So, I sort-of think that anyone who wants to launch an initiative on the Steem block chain should more or less ignore Steemit's vision for itself. My advice to a would-be collaboration would be: Create your own vision and follow it. Cooperate with Steemit where the opportunities arise and compete with them where needed. Don't put your own destiny in someone else's hands.


I'm okay with either answer. If we are going with the "Build it and they will come" approach I would rather invest in a chain that is taking action or build a team in the community. This is becoming a highly competitive market.

I'm not trying to control what they will do, I just want to know. If they don't want to brand and market and find ways to pitch the chain, that is A-okay. If they do want to promote, I think the community should get on board with their messaging.

the community should get on board with the messaging

Yes, this is critical. Because right now the landing page for someone new to the site says “your voice is worth something! Get paid for good content.” And it should really be changed to say “your social networking skills are worth something! Get paid for your connections.”

We’re working on it!

Absolutely no one thinks you play any role with SteemIt Inc.

Edited to say... ah, I was wrong. lol sorry.

That’s fine :)

Welcome @kittyninja!

Now guys do your magic, make STEEM fly! =]

You should introduce yourself if you actually do. We get a lot of trolls around here.

I'm not really talking about a social media blast, I'm talking about branding, packaging, Marketing, vs. Advertising

Who do you report to?

I understand. That’s actually been a huge undertaking since I started in this role. I report to our Head of Communications & Advocacy, who reports to Ned. I’ll do an introduce myself post very soon.

What is needed is not yet another disconnected introduction post but rather a comprehensive team page on an informative web site. Top five steps for almost any crypto investor is to attempt to investigate the team behind the blockchain/token. For Steem this process results in reaching a dead end and then said investor likely moves on.

That this still hasn't been done two and a half years in is mind boggling, but how about getting it done before three years.

Okay, I'll remove my flags. Yes, we would love to hear from the marketing team.

An introduction post would be really useful.

I've been trying to promote my Steem content and Steem on other social media websites such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Minds, LinkedIn etc. Here is the link to my new Steem Facebook page 'Best of Steem by Spectrum Economics'.

She had me fooled.

It's still open for debate ,but who knows lol
She manages this twitter account.

Oh dear. Love that 10 rep tho.

Beautiful way to start isn't it? haha...

I also manage our Steemit account and the rest of our social accounts :)

Hi, @kittyninja sorry if there is really any confusion obviously there was no introduction post from your account so it raises suspicion as you can imagine. Feel, free to drop into one of the biggest Steem discord server to say hi to us SteemSpeak ! looking forward to hearing from you!

If they do want to promote, I think the community should get on board with their messaging.

I agree with that. (Assuming that the messaging makes sense.) And of course I'd like as much information from Steemit as they're willing to give. But I don't think anyone needs to wait for permission or instruction from Steemit before beginning to act. If d-app development is any indication, even if they don't drive it, Steemit might be willing to help fund a well thought out recruitment strategy from elsewhere in the community.

Good points.

I reached out with an email yesterday and even though i cannot disclose what they wrote it seems their focus is mostly on developing. Im not of the opinion they have a mature marketing team. Maybe its in the idea phase, maybe its in the starting phase but what @kittyninja says they seem to be starting it up which is of tremendous importance.
I provided them with an idea i think would augment the promotion aspect to a large degree but thats only one level. What we need is old school shillers ready to reach out to everyone and anyone in media. Just writing a few blogs and twitter posts will not cut it.

I can not agree less with your opinion. Just go ahead and do what u want to do

I am fine with you disagreeing. I didn't really state an opinion, I asked a question about how something was going to be managed because that information might be helping in making decisions on how to manage my investment and my time.

Let's say a group of people want from the community want to decide how to market it, but our marketing message conflicts....

There is no expectation of what answer they give, just a request for Transparency in what their plans are.

I am doing what I wanted to do, which is to ask for info. :) lol