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RE: The Doctor just said you're dying in one year | How will you spend it?

in #discussion5 years ago

I'll probably spend a week feeling sorry for myself, why me?

During the next week I'll be pulling my spreadsheet together to see how much I can afford to blow in the year and still have enough left for hubby to live comfortably for the rest of his life - I may be dying but I still gotta be responsible

The following week I will be planning where I want to go for the next 9.75 months. There are so many places in the world where I want to go and see. Some have always been on my go to list, some revisit. Hopefully I can afford to spend these 9.75 months with a bit of luxury, it is going to be my last days after all. I'll do whatever I want to do during this period even if it means sitting down not doing anything and just be me. Anything that I've put off not doing, like train to run 5k probably won't be done either . There's a reason why I procrastinated all this time.

In month 11 I will go back to UK to see all my family and spend time with them. They are very special to me. They'll be pleased to know they don't have to arrange for my funeral.

In my final weeks I'm going back to Hong Kong. This is where my parents came from and I spent many many years here when I was younger. It's my second home.

Unless China sends the army in and kill all the protesters, I cannot see the Hong Kong protest ending within the year. If I'm going to die, I might as well make my death worth while to the cause. I don't know what I can or will do and what impact another life will have on the protest. It's not like no one has died or been found dead under suspicious circumstances already. Whatever I do, it has to help the Hong Kong protest.

This is the What part of the What radical decisions are you making?, I just haven't figured out the How part yet.