MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell:

Handgun Bullets Too Slow to Stop A Spree Killer
You can't make this kind of stuff up.
Before I saw what you wrote , I was thinking you can’t make this stuff up! Too funny, scary part is people believe this nonsense.
can't fix stupid.
excellent example to stay away from drugs!!!
They just don't know what they don't know.
why would a ruler think arming teachers with guns would stop shootings...I really don't know much about American laws but wouldn't it be better if the gun law was abolished?
key word...ruler
why do we need them?
people have enslaved themselves in the hands of another human in the guise of keeping law and order...this is an old-age problem..
Independent individual rulers don't want the ruled to have ways to defend themselves
American "rulers" are supposed to be the people who elect representatives to conduct the business of the state.
"get rid of guns" = only bad oppressive people end up with them.
If properly trained school faculty people were armed, school shootings would all but disappear
those that happen would be short, with far fewer dead and injured people.
Progressives do not want this logical scenario because it puts power in the hands of the people
taking away to total control they lust over
this is quite thoughtful
They saw that movie "Wanted" where they curve bullets and use 1 bullet to shoot another out of the air....
Yes, they are that dumb