If You HAVE TO Learn to Code

Another thought provoking essay by Sarah Hoyt
I seriously urge you to read it
In which she says in part:
- we’re caught in, the creative destruction of a technology (pardon me this use, but it’s true) paradigm shift, has no set schedule. I don’t know when it will hit my industry full on (it’s hitting it, but no one knows when the crucial grain of sand will go, and the entire industry will shift) and I know even less when it will hit yours.
The fact that this destructive construction or creative destruction is being helped by a generation of leftists who, being the result of the long march through the institutions, feel like it’s their actual job to lecture, to shape society, to change humans, to bring about justice for people who look vaguely like people who might once have been oppressed, makes the situation all the more incalculable. It is also the obvious result of the long march, and the fact it was allowed to happen.
in which she explains why history is a lie. She mentioned the creation of the enemedia and the education apocalypse.
Also politics.
Read it - although i don't create many posts did one this am due to disease of fraud, lies and the dumbing of the screen watches nitwits - let see if I can make this to stick RC code orange alert - ;(