'Helping' People

in #discussion7 years ago (edited)

Wherever and whenever it's tried

  • 37 percent of all Americans and 54 percent of liberals preferred socialism to capitalism. Another poll from last year had 44 percent of millennials saying they prefer to live in a socialist society while only 42 percent prefer to live in a capitalist society.

Yet so few actually go to a Socialist Society to live such as

  • Cuba
    is such a hellhole that people risk their lives trying to float to the United States on inner tubes just to get away.

  • Zimbabwe
    used to be a food and tobacco exporter, but after it became a socialist nation under Robert Mugabe’s rule, it faced famine and had monthly inflation of 7.9 billion percent at one point.

  • Greece
    was the first developed nation to default on an IMF loan.

  • Venezuela
    people are eating rats and pets to survive right now.

not to mention Nicaragua, Honduras and many other lovely Socialist paradises.



I don't support socialism. I've read too many books to believe in this experiment. But hey if it keeps failing, eventually someone will make it work. Or we could just try to improve captialism since it already works.

trying to 'improve capitalism' is the problem
just leave it alone, no rules, and it works just fine.
the free market works best when its FREE
the less free it is...the less well it works.

Left alone the free market comes up with some fairly perverse ideas that need intervention to stop. I don't know if this requires socialism and it certainly doesn't requie massive taxes, but rules are needed in every system.

who gave anyone the right?
who is to determine what needs to be stopped.?

You missed most of Europe that run a socialist system, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland etc.

They have universal healthcare cover and free education.

You may enjoy the video in this tweet:


A list of countries where the US is footing the bill for their defense?
yeah, that's working out great in France:

...these 'socialist systems' are living of free market profits. (and even these are crony capitalism).

Socialism cannot endure standing on it's own two feet.

read about the 'Great Grain Robbery', where the US loaned money to the soviet union so that it could buy wheat from us. For some reason when the Socialists took over there were about sixteen unseasonable bad crops in a row....people starved.

the US also built factories for the soviets.

in fact...if it hadn't been for the US supporting the Soviets the USSR would have collapsed much sooner.

Almost like the deepstate (military industrial complex) NEEDED an enemy...so they supported the Soviets.

Almost like the deepstate (military industrial complex) NEEDED an enemy...so they supported the Soviets.

yup - it started in setting up the soviets in ww2 to win..with the massive supplies to keep the Russian war machine moving...

Gotta have an enemy to justify the money flow...

Socialist governments typically fail within a 100 year cycle, so they may be ok today, but give it a few decades. (that includes the ones currently adopting socialist programs)

Is Germany Successful Thanks to Socialism?

  • Not due to socialism, but thanks to Ludwig Erhard’s radical pro-market reforms, the modest monetary policy by the Bundesbank over decades, the internal devaluation of the 1990s, and the reforms of Gerhard Schröder and the Social Democrats in 2004, Germany is successful today.

How Socialism Works In France

  • France's overall economy is struggling in recent years, as well. The unemployment rate is over 10 percent, and youth unemployment has been hovering at around 25 percent. In addition, left-leaning immigration laws have led to a huge influx of migrants, triggering anti-immigration protests.

How Swedish Socialism Failed

I moved to the US 7 years ago from Finland

Debunking the Myth of Socialist “Success” in Scandinavia

Why Denmark isn't the utopian fantasy it is made out to be

Nordic Welfare State Failure

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism

bingo, lets buy all those folks who prefer socialism to capitalism one way tickets to Cuba or China

why should WE have to pay for it?

Because we want to make America great again. It should be tax deductible charity. It will save you a fortune, just imagine how much your insurance rates will go down when they are off the roads.

good point.
can we still have a wall?

We will need one to keep the fuckers from coming back!

...and then we also have South Africa right now , currently imploding...

Equality sounds sexy when our mouths are full. Am sure many from socialist countries could not care less about being equal in shared poverty

nice information indeed. But i never knew this is all because socialism..!!
Or i may have not understood it properly..
Can you elaborate?