Like SkyScrapers but they go DOWN!
Earthscrapers: we may be living underground a few decades from now ...
we don't miss the sun now A quarter of Americans
spend all day inside…
Oddly enough by using proper design earth scrapers can be built to have sunshine inside.
It's already been done...
Chinese five-star hotel is being built INSIDE a quarry 100 yards beneath ground level
Rock Quarries are rather near DownTown Chicago
I must have crossed that bridge a hundred times.
But RockQuarries are so last year think BIG!.
Why not put a city in an open pit copper mine?

The guy in the video is wrong to state there are no Earth sheltered buildings presently. Mt. Weather comes to mind...
Hell, there have been such cities built long into prehistory. Turkey has been recently shown to have extensive cities underground that were inhabited for centuries.
The fact that so little development today uses this real estate is one of the prime examples of just how badly managed the world is today.
That's really interesting. If it can have sunshine inside by design, I could imagine people wanna live there
I just solved the world's housing shortage didn't I?
Yes, definitely!
this is amazing and unique thing... thank you so much for share with us...
My version from before :::