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RE: 7,000-year-old burial site found

in #discussion7 years ago

Stoked about this one!

Do you follow the pyramid’s and the curfuffel over their age?

Bosnia pyramids that were buried by said floods, while during excavation they found tunnels underneath that were intentionally filled with rock walls to dam against flood waters. Age of debris tested predates anything we have been able to date yet, and the team of excavators had to trick different labs into running the tests blind because of the pushback from ms model supporters.

Then their is the conglomerate used that is 10x stronger bonding then concrete and does not erode even slightly!

Pyramids are earthquake proof, can’t find the video to post but one engineer went to the extent of proving with small model replicas best of his ability and it has destroyed his reputation, go against ms and no one will employe you.


I've been looking at it sporadically.
The problem with pyramids is the weirdo's that it attracts. There's something there all right but it's hard to see for all the 'flies' that obscure it.

Goofy stuff like "it was aliens...what else could it be?"

Dumbshits..those morons don't even know what we CAN do now. I find them to be woefully out of touch with reality.

That said...
FACT: 13 or so thousand years ago the sea level was about 400 feet below what it is now.
FACT: People have always built their cities near the ocean and river shore.
FACT: if there were any thirteen thousand years ago..they're under four hundred foot of water and a few miles out to sea.
FACT: sea water will dissolve damn near anything, given time. The Titanic won't last much longer than another hundred years..then all that will be left is...nothing actually.
FACT: humans have been around, basicaly unchanged biologically, for half a million or more years.
FACT: History is written by the winners...and all the history that we have is less than 5,000 years old.

connect the dots..

dude your a wealth of knowledge... so like minded i love it!

we are missing the center of our historical puzzle, we may know where we started with the borders of the puzzle but still no where near the whole picture without the center.

the center may no longer exist.
twelve thousand years in salt water will do that.