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RE: The Doctor just said you're dying in one year | How will you spend it?


So @anomadsoul is trying to get ideas on how best to spend one year if that is all you had left. Funny as I have thought about this before lying in a hospital bed. Spending time on your own after a health scare does bring everything into focus. So what if this was true would you toss aside all the goodness in you and replace it with the all the badness you can find.

The problem is if you have only one year to live and maybe it is some horrible disease you would have to act fast on my plan as you may not have the strength and energy to carry them all out. You may laugh where this story is going, but I don't joke about this stuff and people who know me would believe it.

One year to get your finances in a healthy position so your family is taken care for when you are not around is a tall order but it is possible. Obviously a change of career would help and some drastic changes with no morals. Getting your hands on the finances that you would need can not be done legally within a 12 month period so this needs to be fast tracked.

I just see it as you have nothing to lose by doing this as 12 months goes by very quickly and being depressed and morbid is going to help no one. I suggest a second opinion first before you put your master plan into action as rotting in jail for life that isn't one year would not be fun.

I know I would make a devious type of criminal with careful planning and there would be no regrets as you have nothing to lose. I wouldn't rob banks as you would have to rob plenty to get what you need quickly. No point in robbing banks in my part of the world as you could walk out with gazillions of Dollars and it is only worth $10 so I would target drug cartels and most likely end up in South America somewhere.

Trust me this is not something I have planned to do, but this would make the most sense and I wouldn't hesitate to do it either. Someone who is calculated and desperate could pull this off and have asked myself why no one hasn't done it yet. If you get shot in the process who cares as at least you died trying and don't have to wait 12 months.
@anomadsoul said you would be healthy for exactly one year so no problems carrying this all out.

One or two decent jobs under your belt and you could live like a king for a year with no worries as you have come out of left field as you have no criminal records and are under the radar. I think this is better than robbing banks as you are already stealing from the criminals and no one would have the balls to do this normally.

I must admit certain things have crossed my path in the past, but I wasn't sick so would never get involved. I have been offered by certain people in the past to get involved with illegal shit and I just can't as that is not me. I don't have a crooked bone in my body and this is basically the opposite of me. I doubt whether I would do it ,but this thought has crossed my mind in the past and why it was fun to write and share.

I am no criminal, but if circumstances had to force me that way I wouldn't hesitate or would I. I honestly don't know the answer to this and it is a hard one. Luckily my business is doing well today and don't need to go to such extreme measures and I don't plan on dying any time soon.