Discovery of the first modern people outside of Africa.


Researchers find the oldest specimens of our species (modern humans) off the continent of Africa.

They say a scalp found in Greece is 2,100000 years old; This was a time when the whole of Europe was occupied by humans in Neanderthal.

This discovery also marks the first migration of modern people from Africa; In the DNA of today's living people who have never existed.

Science journal Nature News reports the researchers are new to the discovery.

In the 8th century, researchers discovered two important fossils in the Apidima Cave, Greece.

One of these was extremely distorted, the other was incomplete. Researchers uncover the mysteries of both fossils by scanning computer tomography and dating uranium-series.

The comparatively complete skull fossil is thought to be of a Neanderthal human. But the other is the kind of sample that can be found on the back of a modern man's skull, and there is a clear spherical appearance on the back. So they consider it the oldest specimen of modern homo sapiens.

During the expansion of modern people in Europe and Asia, these ancestors wiped out the Neanderthal and Denisovan species that were fighting them from Europe and Asia.

The origin of man is believed to be on the continent of Africa. 60 Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of today's people spread beyond the continent of Africa.