A astonishing discovery was made on 20.06.2017 in Nazca, Peru. The remainings of what scientists belive to be a mummified humanoid or alien have been found in the same area where early this year scientists found a hand with 3 long fingers and a mummified skull.
Both discoveries have been made in the same area and the similarities between them are evident.
What is also amazing about this story is the body wasn't found just anywhere, but in Nazca, Peru, the home of the famous Nazca Lines. This region is known for the famous large ancient geoglyphs in the Nazca Desert, in southern Peru. The mistery behind this large geoglyphs ( some of them 370 meters long) representing animals and nature may have a true and real connection with this recent discovery.
This body reveals unusual deformed skull, the abstence of ears and a three long fingers hand not found in any other creature on earth!!!
Also the mumification process where the body was found is pretty unusual, as none of the organs were removed, typicall in human mummification. Researchers have already estimated the body date, dated back 245 AD to 410 AD. More research is currently taking place and further body examinations and DNA tests to unveil the true origins and nature of this misterious creature.
All over this region the proves of alien ancient conctact are everywhere.
THIS is my personal opinion. If this can be confirmed and is real, this body will mean one of the most amazing discoveries of our time. The full disclosure will be demand by the world, and hopefully we can show the world the true!
Why isn't the media talking about this? Please wach the video below and help me spread the word!
PLEASE tell me what you think and all the feedback is welcome!!! Enjoy the video!!!
If it's not human that would be pretty amazing and if it's human I be curious how it got that shape.

This image from your post
Exactly relating with my country India. Those people praying to a shape is an exact match with Hindu god Lord Shiva.
That sculpture called Shiva Linga. In India we worship him as the creator of this universe
Reading your post triggered me the resemblance. See these reference photographs:
Ref 1: Front view

Ref 2: this is might ring some bells - Top View
I feel these are my valid points of making comparison:
You can search in Google as "Lord Shiva Lingam" for the pictures i posted and for the god, here is the wikipidea page