Ragtag Discord Bots
Finding a good discord bot is hard. Don't argue it is. If you think it is not then you have never tried.
What is a good Discord Bot?
In simple terms I have learnt it means one that does 100 things but you only need one thing from it. It does that one thing better than the other 100 bots that also do that thing.

So to follow here are a few of the ones I have recently reviewed that will make life a bit simpler and fun in your server
They are a ragtag bunch
Mostly discord bots are all about sharing memes and Pokemon... Need I say more? I think this line serves well to separate the above title from the titles below.

Mee6 is on every single list of recommended bots not because it is amazing it is just because it is simple.
It has a levelling system, simple moderation and auto-moderation, a welcome message thingy and you can schedule messages.
If you pay for premium you can get some nifty custom commands mainly related to assigning roles etc. Just a simple bot for the basics.

If you do not mind doing a bit of effort and reading some docs then YAGPDB which stands for Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot has the least fluff and most power.
Most of these general purpose bots that taut moderation focus heavily on roles and ranking which personally I do not understand.
Like what do imaginiary rewards like badges and roles matter... Pay me fucks.
YAGPDB is powerful that is all you need to know.
Dank Memer

A extremely popular bot that does not completely underwhelm.
It has a pretty good currency system which is backed by some sarcastic commands and obviously memes.
Really this bot is only to be added with the specific intent that you do not expect anything but to give that one asshole in the server at 3am something to type.
It has a lot of commands for simple minds. To be fair I did not really test it all that much before removing it. I am sure it is great if you have friends...
CCTip ~ Crypto

A simple tipping bot for BTC, ETH and ERC20 tokens. It also has others but they are probably irrelevant...
It also has a daily claim app where you can get some more random tokens and internal exhange using Uniswap protocol.
The devs are very active on it and have also launched a payments api. So definitely useful for those discord bets let them pay up.
You would think it is a simple thing to find a trivia bot that has a leaderboard and is just fun with actual general knowledge questions. Now in the discord world this is not the case and most seem to use the Open Trivia Database which for some reason does not seem to have a single Who Wants to be a Millionaire question.
Instead, they have questions about games, anime and cartoons... I don't always read things. Anyway, the two trivia bots that are not bad and dedicated to trivia only. Yes, a discord bot that does a single thing and does not also try to take over the server.
The main two I found which give different gameplay options and is fun are TriviaBot with 90 000+ questions and Trivia Bot that uses openTB... I do not name these bots ok that is just what they are called.
I would have listed GamesROB but they have a limit on active players per game which I find silly. GamesROB though does have a bunch of mini games like connect 4 and hangman which are good.
Two RPG bots I like are Idle RPG and Discord Dungeons, if only because they are not Pokemon games and Discord Dungeons specifically because I want to play with their custom quest builder which again seems like something very powerful and this RPG bot at least stays on track with what it is supposed to do.
I am still on the lookout for a proper experience management and levelling bot that maybe also has a versatile currency system but for now those few will get things going and not much else is required.
Images from discord and cover from <a href="https://top.gg/'>Discord Bot list screenshot | Read on Hive
Have a witness !BEER