Art made of pasta
Hey! So I love to create this type of art and would like to share with you now some arts I created through the picture of my lunch today! A pasta with white sauce! So here is the result. It looks more like carpets to me. Wish you a beautiful Sunday!
Olá! Mais arte feita com foto do meu almoço de hoje: Macarrão ao molho branco. Um lindo domingo pra vocês!
Letícia Sá
Original Content.
Hi @leticiabrazil
We are coming for your under comments section to invite and inform you that, We have created a community of artworks in the form of #art #draw #paint #scetchbook for all art fans. Show us your artwork there so we can get our steemit support program faster. We're happy to be waiting for you there!
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Hi! Thank you so much for inviting me! Yeah I will post there next time.