The Boom Tubes are Engaged : A Crypto Update 5-5-2018

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Random thoughts for entertainment purposes on cryptocurrency short term prices. This post is purely for entertainment value alone, and is not intended to represent or constitute financial advice. Always provide your own due diligence and risk management in respect to investments.
Well, a fantastic way to the end the week for us all. Lots of long targets made, short targets destroyed, and the crypto world appears very, very bullish as we head into the weekend. Yes, yes, and yes, please. Let’s blow the system up already, yes?
My targets are finally coming into view, beginning with the $9910 target generated back on 4-14-18. Now there is another long target, so here we are, Bitcoin :
Target #1 - $9910 USD
Target #2- 10,340 USD
Target #3 -$10,634 USD
Target #4 - $11,700 USD
Target #5 - $10,450 USD
The future is looking bright for the Great Beast that is Bitcoin.
Two targets met - hooray! The $725 and $739 prices were smoked this past week, and a new one has already/nearly been met. There is a larger one out there now just over the big $1000 mark. Meet you Mr. 1K within the next week?
Target #1 - $ 814 USD
Target #2 - $ 1071 USD
Ripple hasn’t been as explosive as some of the other coins, but did generate one new long target of $1.00 USD. I'd write more, but you know, it's a bankster coin.
Bitcoin Cash
This one continues to go north very fast. In just under a month it has more than doubled in price; absolutely amazing. Two new targets have manifested in this space:
Target # 1 - $1750 USD
Target # 2 $ 2548 USD
No new trade ideas yet, but another one that continues to blow up. I’m still dreading having not bought more of this in the $10 range earlier this year. Can someone explain to my why I bought so much Kucoin instead? It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Litecoin the Laggard
Wow, look at that...Litecoin met a price target of $172 USD. i’d put the bigger target of $220 USD on Twitter, but let’s face it, I don’t have much faith in this one. I'm just hoping to breakeven in order to pull that cash and put it into something more productive.
Go Digi go...the $.0515 price target from 4-18 was met. There are now two outstanding long targets in play:
Target #1 - $.070 USD
Target #2 - $.079 USD
Go Digi go...and I now have talked two coworkers into mining this one. That navy blue t-shirt is really working wonders.
One coin that has consolidated of late is Steem; the price is still safely in its upward channel, but the coin hasn’t moved as much as others this past week. I still think we see it in the $5 range soon. I think I need to order a Steem t-shirt today.
That’s it for this wonderful Saturday morning from the Midwest. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend in store. My work was a disaster, so apologizes for not getting a couple of updates out this past week. Good luck and good fortune to all.
Coins mentioned in post: