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RE: Humans are not herbivores
They keep muting me so I usually avoid getting into it with them
They keep muting me so I usually avoid getting into it with them
OMG they can MUTE you??? I didn't know that was possible here. They're creating their own version of a safe space in here. Eventually it'll just be them and the feminists sharing tofu lollies and hair dye.
Although most of the vegans on Steemit are typical vegans, I follow several who are very on to it so I usually tread very carefully around that subject and don't mention stuff like being a Weston A Price Chapter :)
That's it!!! You're my hero. I love Weston A Price's work. And Sally Fallon. I've got her Nourishing Traditions book! Congratulations on getting a chapter going in NZ. You've got a pretty country there -- well, I've only seen bits on telly and Lord of the Rings but it looks gorgeous.
Have you done posts about it in here? You deffo should. Don't hide from the vegans. They're too weak to kill you :D
Is it ok for me to do posts and link to things on your website sometimes?
That would be awesome. Also keep an eye on @kiwideb she does a lot more food related posts than I do.
We have met Sally a couple of times.
The vegan subject is tricky, I've come to the conclusion that best diet follows a normal distribution curve, and that while more than 2/3 of people will be messed up by a vegan diet within 10 years, there are a small number that go well on it.
But equally there are also some that do best on a raw meat only diet.
Thanks. That's great.
Sally. She seems such a nice person on her videos. Is she as personable in real life?
Ah the distribution curve. That puts the majority at the bellend of the curve. Not fair. Seems wrong that vegans get to live on the respectable end. Yes, there are always a few outliers that cope with crazy conditions.
Another great meme. And I've followed @kiwideb
Thanks :)
Sally is very strong minded and doesn't suffer fools (cough, vegans) gladly!
Yes we got on well with her - she could just walk out on stage and give a two hour presentation with no notes and answer questions on absolutely anything, but she, and WAPF, cop so much flack in these vegan pc times.
I don't know how she does it...
We got burned out from seeing all this stuff, and getting slapped about by things like the Kaayla Danial cod liver oil battle (we sell cod liver oil) - these days we do crypto trading for light relief and avoid most conflict online - I just listen to a lot of Eckhart Tolle :)
I'm so happy to hear Sally is assertive with vegans haha :D She does those speeches without notes?! That's impressive. Yes, I've seen vegans saying she looks unwell or fat. Not very pleasant things. She looks amazing and healthy, especially for a woman of her age.
I've never heard of the Kaayla Danial cod liver oil battle. Have you got a post on it?
I've got one of Echhart Tolle's audiobooks. His voice is very slow and relaxing. Nice one :D
The audios of A New Earth and the Power of Now are both amazing!
Here is our business website - Kaayla had a massive falling out with Sally and managed to halve our sales for a while...
And here is our page about it - it needs updating, we have more info now, but we just don't want to go there again - we were a bit stressed about all this at the time :)
Kaayla is actually very on to it, but in these case it was personal and she was wrong about the cod liver oil - but Sally possibly stood her ground a bit too hard and exacerbated the situation - it was not good...
We don't know what the full story behind all this was, but there was a lot of bad vibes about all this and all the accusations disappeared without trace, so we just ignored it all...