30 foods to lose weight

in #diet6 years ago

Whether you have any diet, it is always necessary to include food for which you lose weight. Foods that help digest fat and provide us with plenty of vitamins and minerals that still support this effect.
Slimming foods are nutritious and unnecessary calories. While some may seem fat, you do not have to worry about anything. These foods contain important essential fatty acids that are essential for our organism. If we eat little food, we will be tired and, as a result, we will move less and, of course, burn less. Whenever we get hungry, it is a sign that we lack some nutrients that need to be supplemented. Do not forget about all the ingredients you need and always think about foods that help to lose weight. Healthy health has prepared a list of 30 foods for you to lose weight.

  1. Pineapple
    Pineapple is a low calorie food with a high water content. Juicy pineapple flesh contains up to 90% water, approximately 8% carbohydrates, less protein and fat, and high fiber content that helps digestion. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelin, which helps break down fats, minerals, trace elements and vitamin C, especially vitamin C. It also acts against gastric acid reflux, dehydrates the body and relieves edema of the limbs.
  2. Avocado
    Avocado is another food to lose weight, even though it is one of the most talented fruits ever. It contains lots of fats, but all of them are of plant origin. It contains healthy fats - omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial to the body. Even though the avocado is calorie, you will not find any cholesterol in it. Avocado is a source of palmitic, linoleic and oleic acid, it also contains vitamins A, C, E and many minerals. It is rich in fiber, which promotes the activity of our metabolism, which makes us eat for a longer period of time.
  3. Banana
    Bananas boasts a high potassium content that regulates minerals in the body and speeds up metabolism. Bananas are the best to eat in the morning to help us get started. Bananas are also a starch that has a similar function to the stomach in the stomach - it regulates the level of sugar in the blood, which makes us feel longer. In addition, bananas accelerate the excretion of water from the body.
  4. Broccoli
    Broccoli is an ideal food to lose weight. It is one of the small foods that we can eat in total without restrictions without getting stuck. It contains lots of beneficial substances. In addition to a large number of vitamins, especially vitamin C, it also contains minerals that are useful in destroying fat cells.
  5. Herbs
    We should put herbs in our diet as often as possible, preferably in the fresh state. They are also used to improve the appetite of the dishes, but they also improve digestion. The beneficial effect on digestion is basil, parsley, chives, thyme, marjoram and sage. Put flowerpots with herbs on the window sill and you will always have fresh herbs available.
    Whole cereals We include all the cereals such as barley, rye, wheat, corn and oats. The fiber that contains cereals reduces energy intake by rapidly inducing the feeling of saturation, making it less responsive and not hungry for us. Cereals have the ability to maintain low insulin levels, thus keeping our metabolism active and we burn faster. Whole grain cereals have a positive effect on the organism as well as the prevention of various diseases.
  6. Onions
    A great food to lose weight is onion, which is also healthy. It contains sulfur compounds which have a strong antibacterial effect. It protects against infections and, when ingested, the mucous membranes in the nose, mouth, and pharynx are disinfected by inhalation. In a raw state, it improves blood circulation to the internal organs, accelerating metabolism and, in this connection, fat digestion. Spring onions are even more digestible than regular onions.
  7. Lemons
    Lemons have a detoxifying effect, helping to function properly in all organs. Due to its high vitamin C content, it boosts immunity. Water with lemon juice is a good drink in reducing diets. However, because it "cools" the body, it is good to add, for example, to tea with lemon cinnamon and ginger, which, on the other hand, heat up.
  8. Garlic
    It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, contributing to faster fat burning. We are delighted with dietary dishes. In addition, it has antibacterial effects and treats a variety of diseases.
  9. Pumpkin
    Contains a lot of vitamin A, potassium and fiber, which promotes the feeling of satiety and good digestion. Pumpkin seeds are also very healthy.
    Beans are a major source of fiber. Accelerated metabolism, facilitates drainage of the organism. A large amount of fiber helps induce a feeling of saturation, so we do not feel hungry and feel the need to over-eat. We soak the beans before cooking, significantly shortening the cooking time, and then do not produce bloating.
  10. Grapefruit
    Another great food to eat is grapefruit. When eating grapefruit, we will have less need to eat because it contains a lot of fiber. In addition, grapefruit contains a lot of vitamin and mineral substances that lower the pressure, cholesterol and burn fat.
  11. Mushrooms
    Mushrooms are excellent ingredients, have minimal energy value, and greatly enrich the food that, due to the limitation of high-calorie raw materials, may not be as good as we wish. They can sow for a long time, they contain a number of important vitamins (B, D) and minerals, regular consumption increases immunity immunity.
  12. Chili peppers
    Chilli peppers contain the substance capsaicin, which is considered one of the strongest fat burners. It induces a thermal response in the body to speed up our metabolism, and the body uses more fat fat as fuel. This effect lasts even several hours after eating the peppers. It is reported that eating chili can be rid of fat mainly in the waist and on the hips.
  13. Asparagus
    Asparagus is among the foods that have the lowest calorie content, has enough fiber, B vitamins, folic acid and vitamin A (provitamin), C and E. Minerals contain significant amounts of potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Asparagus promotes urine production in the kidneys and helps remove fluid from retained tissues, cleanses and detoxifies the organism. Because asparagus contains a large amount of fiber, it excells hunger. Just cook it for 5 to 10 minutes, but it can also be fried and bake. If the stem is too hard, it should peel off. Canned asparagus loses a certain amount of vitamins and fiber, but keeps minerals and diuretics.
  14. Apple vinegar
    Unlike other types of vinegar, apple vinegar does not induce an acidic reaction in the body. In addition to boosting immunity, it promotes fat burning, digestion and excretion. We use it for salad dressing. As a cure, we can apply it in the morning to drink a glass of water in the morning, in which I mixed two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  15. Apple
    Apple is considered a medicinal fruit - contains more than 30 different minerals and trace elements, eg provitamin A, vitamin B, folic acid, vitamins C and E, potassium. It also contains a large amount of pectin that lowers cholesterol levels and binds harmful substances in the body, helping weight loss. Apples are great for stimulating the feeling of saturation because they have a high proportion of fiber. They contain quite a lot of sugar, so we prefer to include them in the morning in the morning. Apples are very suitable for preparing sweet desserts - it's a good and healthy alternative to dessert for holiday days.
  16. Strawberries
    Another strawberry food is strawberry. Strawberries contain large amounts of vitamin C and pectin enzymes. They can sow for a long time and are a great fat burner. They also contain a lot of sugars, but the sugars contained in strawberries are much better for humans and more sweet than sugars in different sweets.
  17. Shrimp
    Shrimps are an excellent source of protein and minerals, they contain a minimum of fat, so they are suitable for a reduction diet. Their preparation can be enjoyed at some more festive occasions. If you get to the sea, have fresh shrimp or other seafood. They are much better than a few days old imported or even frozen.
  18. Horseradish
    Horseradish is a source of many vitamins and minerals. It contains digestive and accelerating metabolism. It is diuretic, which contributes to the cleansing of the organism. In the kitchen we use horseradish mainly for the preparation of various healthy spreads. From the grated horseradish and yogurt we can prepare a healthy sauce for meat or vegetables.
  19. Sour cabbage
    A great food to help slim down and even healthy is sour cabbage. Accelerates metabolism, activates bowel function and excretion of toxic substances, has a draining effect. It is a very rich reservoir of vitamin C, which increases immunity. It works against depression and the vitamin B12 it contains is good on the nervous system. Sour cabbage can be served as a healthy snack.
  20. Sea fish
    Sea fish are rich in iodine that stimulates the formation of thyroid hormones involved in metabolism regulation. They contain good fats that lower the level of leptin - hormone of hunger. In addition, they contain a lot of proteins that are needed to build muscle. The best quality sea fish includes tuna and salmon.
  21. Carrot
    It is a vegetable rich in fiber. Carrots in the raw state will help correct bowel function and thus our emptying. On the contrary, cooked helps stop diarrhea. In addition, the carrot contains a large amount of vitamin and mineral.
  22. Nuts
    Nuts support various nuts. Nuts contain a large amount of healthy fats, essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. They contain both fiber and protein. Among the healthiest are walnuts that we use most often ground or chopped to sprinkle fruit or vegetable salads. You can reach the nuts even if you have something to taste. You can replace them with chips or other snacks.
  23. Oatmeal
    A great food that promotes weight loss and is excellent for breakfast and dinner is oatmeal. Oatmeal is full of vitamin and fiber, which helps maintain a constant blood sugar level and therefore does not feel hungry. In addition, it supports our metabolism to burn fat.
  24. Rice
    Rice contains many ballast substances to ease weight loss. In Asia, where rice is consumed in large quantities, it is rarely overweight. To make the effect of rice more significant, we should consume mainly paddy rice.
  25. Cinnamon
    Can bruise metabolism because it slightly increases body temperature. She can handle the sugar I consume very well. The body carries the sugar much faster, and the blood level should not fluctuate. With cinnamon we can taste fruit salads, oatmeal crackers or other desserts, which even in a diet can be put in a small amount on some more festive occasions, or even tomato sauce.
  26. Whey Contains
    high amounts of easily digestible proteins, lactose and is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Lactose acts in our body as a prebiotic, promotes a healthy intestinal microflora without which weight loss would not work. The proteins contained in it help us stay longer, and we will not have a sweet taste. Linoleic acid, which is abundantly contained in whey, fights fat.
  27. Egg
    Not many people know that the big fat burner is egg, especially yolk. It contains a large amount of vitamin D, which largely prevents fat deposits in the body. Even with cholesterol content in yolks it's not as bad as it has been for years. In connection with the diet box, we must pay attention to the higher caloric value of the egg yolk.
  28. Ginger
    proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpeg Regular consumption of ginger has a significant effect on weight loss. Thanks to its sharp taste, it increases the temperature of your body, speeding up metabolism and promoting calorie burning and fat loss. In addition, it has a good influence on taste, but we only consume it in smaller quantities. Excellent ginger tea or ginger lemonade.