How to lose weight healthy :The Fat Decimator System 2018

in #diet6 years ago

How to lose weight healthy the fat decimator system 2018 hi I'm Muriel I'm 22 years old and I'm from Houston Texas I have been overweight for as long as I can remember but it never really got to me until I was in middle school that's when the bullying got really bad people were calling me fat calling me names and I just I hated the way they made me feel even just going to school at times was really painful so when I graduated high school a couple of years ago I told myself that I was going to make a change at the time I was a hundred and sixty pounds i'm 5-4 so in my notebook I wrote a schedule with every day of the next few months planned my first plan was to become a vegetarian because I had read that if you become a vegetarian or vegan that it can help you to lose weight faster as to why I thought this would be a good idea I have no clue I'm from an all-american sex and family so we love our pork and our Sunday barbecues my family they just laughed at me and they told me I was crazy but I was determined for the first two weeks I didn't eat any meat at all I was craving it and I was feeling pretty good but come the third week I just felt like I was going crazy like I didn't feel like myself at all I lost a few pounds but nothing major and it's important to mention that I had just started college at this time so I was super busy stressed and really tempted by all the fun events going on at the time anyway even though I was really determined when I first started after a few weeks I just wanted to give it all up I ended up caving and ate a burger after a night of partying even though it was so delicious the disappointment that I felt myself was huge this was the beginning of my fad diet phase as my mom called it so after my brief as a vegetarian I thought running could be my new thing just run one mile every day how hard can that be let me tell you the answer it was hard because it's hot it's very hot in Houston and yeah I'm used to it but I've never actually tried running out in this weather so that didn't last over the next few years there were a few attempts at weight lifting a swimming calorie reduction but nothing stuck or worked well I am going to be fat forever I told myself but then last month my miracle came one of my school friends told me about a program that his brother introduced him to the fat decimator by Kyle Cooper my mom she just rolled her eyes at me or at least I think she did when I told her over the phone I'm three weeks in and I feel amazing 16 pounds down 16 pounds I'm making this video because everyone should know how this truly works and if I can do it anyone can do it and you know what I'm just getting started how to lose weight healthy the fat decimator system 2018

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