
in #diamod3 years ago

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Diamond is one of the most well-known and most sought-after gemstones. They have been used as decorative items since ancient times. The hardness of the diamond and its high scattering of light - give the diamond its characteristic "fire," making it suitable for artistic application and desirable as jewelry.
Untitled design (1).pngDiamonds are the rarest and most valuable thing in the world today. Diamond is a "light-shining" metal. Many colored fountains of light are created because the multi-layered light of the diamond is repeatedly scorched.
Scientists divided the diamond into four parts according to its inner luminosity. (1) White-colored diamond. (2) Red diamond. (3) yellow diamonds and (4) black diamonds. Dotted and lined white shiny diamonds are considered the best and are named "lotus diamonds." Pure or natural diamonds are seen in cool and slippery light. When real diamonds are burned, they turn into coal. Everyone knows that glass can be cut by diamonds. Diamonds do not stay bright and luminous as soon as they are mined. If the diamond is not cut, its inner splendor will not be revealed It is cut and polished to make it bright and radiant. Today, diamonds are cut and polished in Bombay, India, Tel Aviv, Israel, Bangkok, Thailand, Antwerp, Belgium, and New York City, USA.
Location: Golconda Diamond Mine, India. But now, this mine is abandoned. Another diamond mine was discovered in Brazil in 1825. Bright large diamonds are also found in the mines of Brazil. The largest diamond mine in Kimberley, South Africa, has been discovered. The diamonds there are beautiful and shiny. Kimberly alone is currently meeting 90 percent of the world's demand. The longest diamond mine in the world is at Kimberley in South Africa. Diamonds are also found in South America, Australia, and other places. In 1979 another large diamond mine was discovered in Western Australia. In 1986, Australia discovered 34 million carats of diamonds, equal to three-quarters of the world's diamonds. Large quantities of diamonds are also discovered in the main building of the Debears Central Selling Organization in London. Here are the benefits of wearing Diamond Stone:

  1. Diamonds are very useful for people involved in music, acting, public relations, painting, or writing.
    Users can benefit from using diamonds very quickly.
  2. Diamonds can enhance social status and help to sustain it for a long time.3. Its stone enhances decision-making, management, and planning execution.
  3. Participating in social work increases the willpower of the helpless.
  4. Special help can be found in legal matters using diamonds, giving them the strength to win with the enemy.
    . Diamonds are very useful for those women who want to enhance their beauty and look beautiful in front of others.
    . This stone can be beneficial for diabetes, insomnia, and safe childbirth.
    . Girls who have problems in their domestic life can use this stone.
  5. Diamonds give birth to joy, love in a stone relationship. It also affects marital life.
  6. Diamond stones increase self-confidence by removing the evil influence of Satan, fear base.
  7. The diamond stone protects against nightmares in the middle of sleep and helps in peaceful sleep.
  8. This stone increases the digestive power and helps to keep the body healthy.
  9. From the Middle Ages, diamonds enhanced sleep, improvement, honor, and willpower.

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