Make Conscious Effort To Mature!

in #devotion6 years ago

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 1:12 (KJV)

Until you mature in Christ, you cannot reach the highest level in God. When bible refers to sons, it is talking about mature Christians. Christians who by reason of the use of the Word of God and Spiritual gifts have become well-seasoned for God’s use in His most challenging tasks in His will. Dear beloved, don’t continue to be a babe in Christ Jesus. Make conscious effort to grow and mature through the use of the Word of God, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, prayer, fellowship with other Christians, rejoicing in suffering for Christ, and a taste of prosperity. The power of the Holy Spirit is in you so cooperate with Him and you will grow to maturity. Hallelujah! Be An Overcomer!