Learn From The Love Of God!

in #devotion6 years ago

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (KJV)

Being consistent with your Christian life draws God closer to you. The Almighty God Has a higher thought than His creation and thus, approach things differently. When mankind were wallowing in sin, He did not neglect them but showed His love by sending Jesus Christ to die and pay for their sin. Dear beloved, learn from God and don’t pay anyone for the evil they have done against you. Forgive them and continue to do good to them. When you are consistent with this lifestyle, God will have confidence in you and express more of Himself in you. Leaving vengeance to God goes a long way to mould your heart and make you a better person for God to use and bless limitlessly. Hallelujah! Be An Overcomer!