How I Met the Devil

in #devil9 years ago (edited)

I bet the title caught your eye. It means that there are aspects of you and me that resonate with each other. It takes some degree of awareness to see through the connotations of society and into the Truth. Truth is something few to no people see. When people who have both seen the truth come into contact with each other a bond is immediately formed. Knowing the Truth is a lonely road to travel.

One thing I have learned from life is that most people spend most of their lives battling with problems that were never there to begin with. Society tells you to be yourself and then it tells you that you are doing it wrong. Life has been a never-ending cycle of Chasing the Dragon for so many people. I am tired of it.

I have a name but you can call me Lucif3r. I used to be one of those people that chase the lures of society. I now try to be my own person and fully accept all aspects of myself, good or bad. Believe me, accepting your deepest, darkest temptations is actually a good thing, contrary to popular belief. I feel myself ranting but I want to save that for another story. In the meantime let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My life until recently has been a battle of other people's beliefs and opinions. My parents were the worst culprits. It is ut*er bullshit how so many crappy ideas can be created and believed by so many people. This world is perverted and I intend to do something about it so you better stay posted.

So how did I meet the Devil? How can you not when you drop 20g of dried Penis Envy psychedelic mushrooms. He was presented to me in a dark void filled with glowing, multi-spectral colours. I shit y*u not, this was staring right through me.
This is the best representation I could find but it definitely looked like a Mayan mask.

I looked at it for a moment, thought "Okay..." and left. In the same trip I got abducted by aliens. It wasn't as if they had abducted me then. It was as if I was always in their possession. Have you ever play GTA?
Do you think Nico has a clue that he is in a screen being controlled by a giant human? No, he probably thinks he has "free-will", lol. Just as we 3-dimensional beings can control 2-dimensional characters on a computer screen the 4(?)-dimensional anthropoids control us through a 3-dimensional realm. They opened me by the mouth, the same way we open a bonnet of a car, and operated on me (probably my DNA). This got me thinking about the theory of evolution and how organisms just so happen to get a "random" mutation that just so happens to be beneficial to a species. I think it is very plausible that aliens modify our genetic code in the 4-D hard-drive our 3-D world is contained in. What? That's crazy talk!

I don't want to make this post too long so please let me know if you enjoyed and follow me if you want to hear more of my story (I have a lot of stories). I am also in the process of creating a revolutionary self-help company that will change the world and the nature of homo-sapiens as we know it. Please support my cause because the more I get helped the more I can help everyone else. And, I really do want to help!


Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now