My devcoin experience...

in #devcoin6 years ago (edited)

Let me start, for transparency sake, by mentioning my position of Human Resources Administrator in the DevCoin Project.

A call went out on bitcointalk,,"Call for writers for the DevSTEEM Marketing team!"

DevSTEEM is the wonderful idea, of merged mining of DVC and STEEM. which @devcoin has launched on the steem blockchain.

Testimonials were being requested of one's experience and adventures around devcoins. For me this went back a number of years. It was before the 2015 crash. Don't have the exact year off the top of my head. That may surprise you, yet cryptos were really not my number one interest at the time. The blockchain technology was interesting to me, as a programmer, yet it was not money... at least in my mind.

Yes it could be said that my introduction into the crypto space was with a great deal of kicking and screaming on my part, while being gently nudged along by a founding DevCoin Developer. Me and that person go back many years. The first time rolling a d20 was at his place. But this story picks up about 25 years from our first meeting.

He was staying at my place at the time. A few others lived there as well. They paid rent and we shared internet, pizza and beer. He was in his room pumping out bitcoins on graphics cards. Anytime he would catch us sitting down he would extole the virtues of the BitCoins. Sharing pizza, lending him a credit card for online purchases, etc., would have him begging us, for our own good, to take BTC in repayment. Humoring him (or so we thought) we largely agreed. Just before the $1500 crash was the first time the value of what had been given to me was understood. After the $1500 crash, with blood still on the streets, it seemed time to buy. It turns out it was.

Anyway, needless to say that his involvement in the devcoin project gave it worth a look in my books. It was nice to see it's attachment to Bitcoins, in the sense of it being a by product of BitCoin mining. The project's mandate caught my eye as well. This is coming from a guy that sees the GNU Copyleft as a manifesto.

My friend explained DevTome to me and how one could get rewards from writing yet it did not appeal to me as much as the original mandate of DevCoins; support of open source programmers. It is no surprise then that my first reward in DevCoin came via a programming bounty project. It was documented on DevTome.

It felt nice to be a part of the community. A few years back Hunterbunter asked me to help in the HR Admin position. It has been nice watching the different evolutions and explorations the project has gone through in the time since my first involvement. From open source coders' support to the open source writers of devtome to, now, #DevSTEEM.

It is interesting how the Wikipedia model was followed by DevCoin and the Social Media model by STEEM.

They seem, to me, like perfect counterpoints of the Delegated Proof of Stake and Proof of Work systems. It is great seeing merged mining in action and the two communities beginning to overlap.


My DVC Address: 1EfsiVUECqmR5Qx7C4PkmwadDXYuSGzssL


AMAZING POST! You've just won yourself a resteem and an upvote from @minnowsupporter! Congratulations

Thanks very much!

If your a friend of @minnowsupporter, your a friend of mine. 👍

Thanks for your support and your support of @minnowsupporter! 😎

hi @novacadian

Thank you for your comment in my latest post (related to HF20). Just wanted to show my support with a little comment + upvote.

Im glad to see tht you're still around. Hope you've been doing fine.

enjoy your weekend buddy
Yours, Piotr

Your support is appreciated @crypto.piotr!

My postings are soo infrequent it fools many into believing in my departure from steem. It reminds me of the famous mis-quote of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) when asked about a recent report on his death. The quote has him replying, "The reports on my death were an exaggeration". 😎

always wise to keep them guessing

Thank you for being so responsive @novacadian

Appreciate, Piotr

Ahh those times before the $1500 crash! Very inspiring story @novacadian! Thanks for sharing it!

buen trabajo amigo,gracias por su aporte con su voto a mis publicaciones,saludos desde margarita venezuela y feliz fin de semana,cuidese

¡Te deseo un feliz fin de semana también! 😎

Nice article thank you for sharing @novacadian :)

Thanks @Fuzzybearbtc! Enjoyed your walk down memory lane as well. 😎

buen dia,feliz inicio de semana,saludos

Hola! Puede encontrar más fácil este reciente artículo mío leyendo sobre el mismo crypto.coin...

Ehhh @novacadian... the article is actually mine not yours 😑 😰 Did you paste the wrong URL?

Due to spanish being their mother tongue my thought was that it would be an easier read.

I didn't know you knew Spanish @novacadian! Oh yeah, the thing is you said in Spanish that it was your article, so when I read that I was like whaaaat...

Oh yeah, the thing is you said in Spanish that it was your article, so when I read that I was like whaaaat...

Blame Google Translate for that. 😎

Hahah no worries my friend, you know, it only lacked a little tiny bit to make it more accurate, that's all. 😅 😉

For the record, this post was accepted for round 83.

Posts for rounds 84 to 88 still pending.