
Auf jeden Fall - das freut unsere Niederländer - müssen uns mal treffen frei nach dem Motto:

Let's have fun @roelandp 🍻

Alter - ist zwar funny..... aber deutsch..... ist aber Deine Absicht mein Heineken Freund wohl

@roelandp help me to convince @uwelang to join us at the Steemfest this year! It would be the perfect place to do a real beersaturday ;)

there are currently some major issues i have to handle where steemfest is unfortunately one of the less imporatnt things - would love to meet all of you guys especially in terms of my plans to expand blockchain business things but right now I have to clarify some not so nice things here that are key for life

He has to come with us.

I as well take some days off to join

klingt nach einer guten Party ;-)