Käsekuchen mit Pfirsichmarmelade 🍑

in #deutsch7 years ago

Empfohlenes Alter von 12+ Monaten

Sie benötigen:
✔️Durchschwung 350 Gramm
✔️1 Ei
✔️Chinas Löffel Stärke
✔️2 Pfirsiche
✔️ 1 Esslöffel Mehl
✔️Kochen einen halben Esslöffel
✔️Lack Sauerrahm oder Joghurt 1 Esslöffel


  1. Problendery Hüttenkäse mit Zucker und saurer Sahne. Es gibt auch einen halben Teelöffel Stärke, Ei und Mehl.
  2. Peach peel, problematisch bis zur Homogenität. Gib den Stärkerückstand hinzu.
  3. Den Quark in eine Auflaufform geben und mit einem Löffel bestreuen.
  4. Gießen Sie den Quark auf die Pfirsichmasse.
  5. Backen Sie in einem warmen Ofen bei 160 * 30 Minuten, oder im "Backen" Modus in einem Multivartik das gleiche.

    Lecker 🌷

What's your favorite pokemon?


tasty dry cake....i like very much dry cake...

I advise you to cook and give a try to your kids and your beloved wife)

Did you translate your recipe into German using Google Translate?
It's funny to read this and you can only guess some ingredients because they are misinterpreted.

are you really stupid? How can I tell people about recipes if I'm a Ukrainian !!!!!! and I know basic English, but I want to share my knowledge of cooking with other people from other countries ..... My advice to you:Do not ask stupid questions so as not to get a stupid answer ..

where did she say English?

Before writing stupid nonsense look in the profile of everyone who wants to write something sheep !!!!!!

I was very uncomfortable Katya, farewell !!!!!!

I'm sorry I don't wanted to offend you. It was a simple question becauce half of the translation is nonsense...
And it's about German (you also used the tag "deutsch") not English.
Of course you can share your receipes with anyone :)