Hiking With Wrong Shoes in Germany - Wandern und falsche Schuhe!
Hey guys, this is just an example how it can look like if you are hiking with wrong clothes :P
I think I like to laugh about myself ...
Wish you all a nice Thursday and Happy Easter - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3
deutsch / same post in german
Hallo Ihr Lieben, so kann es enden, wenn man mit der falschen Kleidung wandern geht :p
Ich glaube ich lache gerne über mich ...
Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Donnerstag und Frohe Ostern - Bis bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3
▶️ DTube
I will be in Germany soon. I don't want to experience this! :)
Very funny,
Good job hiking dear @lenatramper
I upvote and resteem
Hi @lenatramper, very funny... Supergirl...!.
Hi @lenatramper, how are you?.
I like your video, it's funny.
Fortunately you did not fall dear friend. We look forward to your detailed article on this beautiful hike @lenatramper
Very funny video. you are a great lady @lenatramper
It should not be a shoe like that you should wear. you are very great
wrong decision. hopefully @lenatramper is okay
hy beautiful lady @lenatramper, yes you alright about wrong wear, it is used to be happened when we travel to somewhere whithout mature planning. thanks for sharing. this is the shortest post of you.
I like your post, I think simple and good. May you succeed in steemit.