day 187 Anteilpost

in #deutsch7 years ago

Depotwert : $2,142.40 USD/ 0.34316985 BTC

Anteile gesamt: 103783,93

Tagespreis 0,0206 US$ 0,0191 SBD

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Die Idee:

day2 mit Beschreibung wie Anteile berechnet werden:


NEU Anteilhandel Tagespreis Dividenden und Memberkontostände:

täglich unter @anteilboerse


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This does put a smile on my face.

WARNING - The message you received from @sanjugangber is a CONFIRMED SCAM!
DO NOT FOLLOW any instruction and DO NOT CLICK on any link in the comment!

For more information about this scam, read this post:

If you find my work to protect you and the community valuable, please consider to upvote this warning or to vote for my witness.

Thanks for your daily warning;-)
But why do you not simply flag him! You have more SP to do this!!
you only want to earn money with your warnings fom upvotes as the scammers fight Replys!!
You do nothing against it!
OK, Flags are the last resort against spammers and scammers I flag only after 3 warnings per my pic:


Thanks for help and support from @spaminator

Sorry to say, but you're wrong with your assertions.

I work as a team with @steamcleaners. They will put the flags right after my warning, but will also remove it if the original owner is able to recover his/her account.

This removal process is really important to allow people who were hacked to restore their reputation.

It would be useless to do the work twice. Hence the reason I do not personally flag.

I'm not fighting scammers to earn money and there is a lot of work done behind the scene. I would earn way more and have a stressless life by publishing stupid pictures about food or about my holidays!

Sorry for my reply too!
I support your work!
But it seems so!
however, this impression may arise because neither you nor @steamcleaners have given any flag the flag was from @spaminator
Why send Warning Replys? Symply flag the scammer/spammer and they are invisibelt on Steemit!

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📈 7d
SBDSteem Dollars1.386$12.18%22.13%