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Have you guys craved for something sweet after eating a heavy meal? Or just treat yourself with your favorite dessert?? Well I have! That's why today I will be talking about my favorite dessert!
And I am writing this as an entry to @ngocbich's contest.
Leche Flan or also known as Crème Caramal or Caramel Custard is one of the Filipino's favorite dessert. I myself loves this dessert. I love that it's creamy and soft. This dessert is popular and always served during special occassions like Fiesta, Christmas and New Year. It's main ingredient is egg. Though most people make leche flan just by using the egg yolk, some will experiment and also use the egg white. It's not as smooth as it is, but it will double the amount of the mixture.
Leche Flan is normally made in a mold called "Llanera". Its way of cooking is through steaming. After that, it needs to be cooled first, then chilled in the fridge for hours or over night.
Why I love Leche Flan?
Ever since I was a kid, Leche Flan has been my go to dessert. Whenever it's someones birthday, my Mom will make sure that Leche Flan will be one of the desserts. Don't get me wrong, I also love Chocolate Cake, but the sweetness of Leche Flan is different. Although now I cannot just eat it whenever I want to. (Need to make sure that the blood sugar is low) Lol.
Other Variation
Some people are experts in experimenting on giving twists on our food. So there have been many variations or flavor that you can make with Leche Flan.

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Coffee Flan
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Chocolate Flan
Coffee Flan and Choco Flan are just two of the most popular variations of Lecha Flan. And there more that you can do and try!
Methods of Cooking
There are 2 Methods in cooking Leche Flan, baking and steaming. Let me share to you those 2 preparation or recipe if ever you want to try and cook your own leche flan.
Cooking Leche Flan through Baking
Cooking Leche Flan through Steaming
That's it for today guys! I hope you liked my favorite dessert and decide to get or cook one for you! Let me know if you did! 😉
yummy🍮 I love flan😊
So ymmy :)