There is the ‘Pulse of Love’ in every Desire.
This is my personal theory of Love. We ‘mind map’ onto the pulse of ‘Love’ and call it ‘Desire’ or ‘Long For’. We think we have to find Love out there, when the desire itself is love. However, it may be disguised.
I once was expressing my deepest desire to a Yogi Master friend of mine. I told him: ‘ I want to be Loved’
He asked Me: Where did that desire come from?
I didn’t question it—I trusted the guidance of his question.…and I looked.
I looked inside…and to my surprise, though tears, an answer came to me. What I experienced was profound; it was pure radiant Love; a quality of Love beyond human Love.
I looked up the word ‘Desire’ in the Dictionary. It originates from the Latin meaning ‘From the Stars’.
We all have desires. It’s been my experience that desires appear from within; as a pulse.
There is an interpretation of this pulse. . for example:
- the desire to eat, sometime it is not from hunger
- the desire for companionship
- the desire to flip on the T.V.
There are bigger desires: money … Fame … power
Our world is run by desires…
I had the desire to be a speaker at toastmasters. I’ve never been a speaker, not even close…I am artist and have been for 40 years. I wonder what would I say?
When I was trying to figure out what I would speak on… my mind went blank.
I had to go back to my original intention to find out what my heart wanted to speak.
My Love, is for the words that would move myself and others to See more, Be more, and have ever deepening awarenesses.
In my workshops I do my best to take participants beyond the boundaries of the meaning of language; coaxing and inspiring and even daring them to know directly what love is.
I am talking about ‘uncaused’ Love… before the minds desire maps an object onto it. …I am talking about a Love that baffles the mind because there is no reason for it.
The mind thinks there needs to be a reason, or an object for Love.
It has been my experience the mind maps onto the ‘pulse’ of love, and we call it desire, “if I get this, then I will know Love; or some quality of Love, like Joy. ..Happiness…, …Fulfillment”.
The mind keeps looking for an “object’ or reason for the Love….When Love actually already is…for no reason, what-so-ever.
If we look at David Hawkins’ scale of calibrations based on kinesiology, Love operates at a higher level than the intellect and is beyond the mind.
The next time you feel a Desire…take a closer look. Question, where did it come from? What does it feel like? Look at the Source beyond what the mind thinks it is…