💻 My app design - IOTA desktop wallet concepts
Hi guys,
these are my concepts for IOTA desktop wallet. Its not the official version, just my open initiative. Feel free to give me some contructive feedback if you feellike it can be better.
Dark version
Dark version with gradient
Light version
I like the light version the most. Ideally, users should be able to switch between them.

Andrej Cibík @andrejcibik
Web design | Web development | Logo design
That's looks so cool!
Thx :)
Nice clean design, I like the aesthetics. And thank you for sharing original work!
I really like your work and I just followed you.
What are you basically up to?
crypto and design :)
I gotta say, some of your stuff is pretty genius!
yaaaay, just some? :D
lol, your cheekyness will get you places.