Pro - This is our beautiful cat Ponyo. Since day one she has ruled the household and acted like she owns the place. We only get to give her attention on her terms and she love the camera! I got this photograph of her nesting on a laptop case with her favourite gold fur cone - what else did you expect?!
LOL, that is so awesome. My laptop case is covered in fur because that is my cat's favorite place to hangout as well. Your cat looks like a queen holding her gold fur cone. Those green eyes are sweet.
Hahaha that's funny! Yes she definitely it a Queen that's for sure!
She looks like a calico we had a few years ago - her name was Winnie and she had 6 toes on each of her front paws - a polydactyl cat. And she was a Princess. If we touched her when she wasn't in the mood....she'd duck her head and make a noise like "doooonnn't"
Lots of fur on Ponyo, lots of brushing, lots of pampering her majesty .... I can tell :)
Awww Winnie sounds cute! Oh yes Ponyo is definitely a pampered cat! She sleeps most of the day and only graces us with her presence when she wants to! Definitely doesn't allow any strangers to touch her precious fur either!
So beautiful 😻 She has such stunning green eyes and lovely fur ❤
Aww thank you, I'm sure she would love to hear that!!
Absolutely gorgeous. These green eyes will hypnotize you.
Yes, and they do hahaha!