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RE: Getting Nowhere Fast

in #depression6 years ago

Hey @blewitt,

I hear you, life has that habit of hitting you hard sometimes...

As far as the business is concerned, you have to think long and hard about whether it's possible to scale up from where you are. We spoke a bit about it at Steemfest, however I don't know all of the avenues you've tried, and whether online is the right way for you to go. Or if it's even possible.

For instance how's your Instagram presence? What's your reach like in other countries? Especially places like Japan.

At the end of the day, you may have to sell up and walk away, however try and make this decision when you're in a much more positive state of mind. (Hit me up on Discord/Chat for a much more detailed bit of advice on this).

Your Mom's illness is hard, mine is 88 now and I'm dreading that fateful day. They gave birth to us, fed and nurtured us and have been there our whole lives.

I just thought to myself instead of letting those thoughts consume me, enjoy the time I do have left with her. Though I can't imagine the pain at watching her deteriorate like that. Just carrying on being there for her and your dad, they still love you, as you do them.

They were and are some beautiful dogs! It is such a cruel twist that these beautiful animals that bond with us live for just a fraction of our lives. However that is why they are so beautiful and precious, I've only had my Rocky for around nine months and the thought of him leaving me is hard.

All in all you have to keep going, for yourself and your family, set times aside where you can think (rationally) about your situation and what you can do about it.

If you don't already, start meditating, just five minutes a day can help (increase by a minute a day) and keep/start exercising.

I hope these words have helped you somewhat, and like I say hit me up on Discord to chat more about the biz. I'm not in the best place myself at the mo, however giving you this advice has perked me up as well... so maybe go out and try to find someone to help, in doing so you'll lift yourself.

Take care my friend ❤💪😘👍😊



Hey brother. Thx for the well thought out comment.

Regarding the business...we are getting by. Not in danger of closing. Just not setting the world on fire currently. I want to start working smarter. I feel as though we could have been doing a lot of different things that would have benefitted us. Things that we have not taken advantage of. Online is a tough situation. We definitely should be doing a ton more of it and most likely will as we just have too much product. The downside to it is collectors are fickle people. There are also a ton of scumbags who know how to game the system making it dangerous and risky to sell expensive pieces online.

We sell all over the globe but that mainly only happens when we do an exclusive. People from all over want those so we get s nice flux of international orders when we do the exclusives. We can definitely talk. I’ll find ya on discord.

88! Nice. She’s doing well I hope. You 2 live near each other? I’ve kinda accepted it regarding her illness. It’s awful to see as she’s not even 70 yet and has been this way for a few years now. Not fair at all but that’s the way it goes sometimes. While I naturally feel awful for my mom, she’s half unaware of the situation. I feel slightly worse for my pops who’s sitting in the passenger seat in a car that’s spinning out of control. That’s gotta weigh on him. No way it doesn’t.

I’m glad you have Rocky by your side. Life is better when you share your life with them. It’s definitely been an adjustment without the boys and scares me thinking of the girls being gone as well. Makes me feel all alone even though I’m not. Hard to explain...

Meditating is something that I could try. I want to try yoga as well as I need to because I’m dumpy and out of shape. Lol. My back is crap and yoga is supposed to help. I’ve been saying I would start but haven’t yet. I need to get on that. Maybe this week while the wife is away I can try and not embarrass myself in front of anyone. Lol

Yeah you aren’t the first to say that they aren’t the position that they want to be in. Seems to be the common theme. I think that’s just life. Very few of us are going to have the paths cleared for us. Most of us are going to have to trek through some rough roads to get to someplace comfortable. I weirdly take comfort in that...knowing I’m not alone in that regard.

Thx brother. Let’s chat it up on discord and get on track.

Much love brother. ❤️