Delegation Renewal Recommendations to Steemit
The committee has been meeting to figure out which delegation renewals and under what terms we would suggest Steemit continue to provide the delegations. Our primary objective in this endeavor is to use the delegation process as a way to attract and maintain businesses, communities, and projects on the Steem blockchain.
Below you can find our current ratings of the different projects and our recommendations. You'll notice that several of them have not completely concluded. They have been providing answers to questions we've posed, but still have open questions. For those accounts we're providing 1 additional week to finalize a few reponses. Failure to provide those responses will result in us suggesting a termination of the delegation.
We're using our 3 tier system of 1M max, 500,000, and 100,000 SP delegations.
Max (1M SP) delegations are reserved for projects that are well developed and fit with market needs. The projects create new use cases for steem, facilitate powering it up, or burning it.
500,000 SP delegations are for projects that are well developed and fit with market needs, but need to demonstrate how their product provides a unique use case for Steem,and/or facilitates burning or powering up steem.
100,000 SP delegations are for projects that are in their infancy, that show some potential, but need to do more to demonstrate a unique use case for Steem or how the project will lead to Steem being powered up or burnt.
Delegations have been awarded previously for the misterdelegation account to the tune of nearly 18M SP. Our first goal was to look at the existing delegations and make sure they all met standards and reduce delegations so they did not exceed the new 1M steem cap. Projects have been scored, earned a tier, and in many cases the amount of Steem Power to inidivual projects is shrinking. It's not shrinking all at once. A haircut is applied over 3 quarters such that now, 3 months from now, and 6 months from now the delegation in excess of what they are approved will be cut by 1/3.
Scores, and suggested actions
The committee has completed a rubric for each of the different projects. We suggest the following to Steemit. Projects that are incomplete have been marked with an "incomplete" and have 1 week from this post to clarify their answers. We'll provide an updated scoring sheet once the remaining answers have come in.
Project Score Recommendation with notes:
Spaminator - 58.2, approved to 1M SP down from 2.8M SP for fighting spam, phishing, and fraud. Haircut adjustment to 2.2M SP.
Steemcleaners - 65.7, approved to 1M SP down from 1.5SP for fighting plagerism. Haircut adjustment to 1.33M SP.
Steemhunt - 71.7, approved to 1M. No haircut necessary. Steemhunt and Rewardhunt are approved.
Steempress - 62.0, approved 1M.
Dtube - 64.8/incomplete, 1 week from now to continue their delegation, 8 questions remain open. @starkerz recused himself from scoring dtube due to being a part of a competing platform 3speak.
YooDoo - 82.8, 1M approved for YooDoo, Andrey Grays Football Academy, and 3speak. Down from 2M SP. Haircut adjustment to 1.66M. Andre Grays Football Academy not to exceed more than 10% of the vote. @starkerz recused himself from scoring this project since he is a part of it and we would like to avoid any potential conflicts of interest.
Fundition - 59.6, approved for Fundition to 1M SP, not approved for Drug Wars. Drug Wars has 1 month to remove the voting pattern. Haircut adjustment to 1M. Note: Fundition activity seems slow. We're looking for an increase in activity to continue the high tier delegation going forward. We'd like to see a stronger revenue model for Fundition.
Esteem - 59.8, approved for 500k steem. Haircut to 834,000. This is a great project that has a lot of solid development behind it. It offers something different than in that it's a mobile app and mobile first.
What we can't isolate is how eSteem leads users to powerup Steem, burn Steem, or bring new use cases to Steem.
For example, Steem can't be directly used for advertising on the site. So, we're placing this in the middle tier.
Tasteem - 55.6, approved for Tasteem at 100,000 SP. Haircut down to 700,000 SP.
Note: TaSteem has promise as a business that's not currently being achieved. We don't see how, in its current state, it's doing anything other than distributing rewards, and there are plenty of interfaces that facilitate that (which don't get delegations). In order to reach a higher tier the committee has to see a way that the project facilitates burning steem, powering up steem, or creating new use cases for steem. For example, promotional oppportunities for restaurants, which was mentioned, but the project needs to be farther along to justify the top tier. When use cases, burn cases, or reasons to power up are more evident we're happy to revisit a higher delegation.
Moving Forward
Now that we've established some baselines on the previous projects we're going to open up new projects to apply for delegation. There's essentially two phases from here on out. A technical round and a commercial round. The technical round is simply to determine if this committee thinks that the project meets the bare minimum standard to receive a delegation. If they do then they'll move on to the commercial round.
The technical round involves going through the basic application process. What is your project, how does it make money, what are the benefits to Steemit and the Steem community? If it passes it'll move onto the commercial round.
The commerical bidding round
We have a commercial round because there are more projects seeking funding than we have funds. So, we decided they have to compete for it. During the commercial round projects that have passed technical muster will make offers in exchange for the delegation they seek. Offers can include services, fiat, crypto, utility tokens, or equity.
It's the job of the committee to come up with guidelines for how we evaluate the different offers and then rank them. This committee acts with complete independence from Steemit, and Steemit has not exerted any influence whatsoever over this process.
Projects offering what we consider to the have the highest value will be filled first up to the maximum tier of 1M SP delegated. And we'll move down the list until all of the Steem Power has been awarded.
It is the hope of this committee that after some time has passed and the projects can stand on their own that the thing of value that has been exchanged for delegation can be put back into this process to help fund additional businesses and communities coming to steem. We want this to be a perpetual fund bringing new projects to the Steem ecosytem!
Note: For example. Projects that have had a 1M SP delegation for a year have gotten 10,000 Steem per week for 52 weeks. That's 520,000 Steem. Today that's worth $50k, but over the past year it's been worth as much as $500,000. Let's roll that back into bringing new businesses and communities here.
For projects seeking delegations please look to YooDoo and Esteem applications as examples of projects willing to exchange things of value for the delegation.
Application to be announced shortly
New projects will see an application for Delegation from this committee within the next few weeks. Projects will have a specific time to get their application in by (expecting November). We'll score them to see if they pass technical muster, and then host a commercial round (we expect this in December/January).
ALL projects will compete in the Commercial Round
When the first commercial round starts ALL projects will be required to compete for the delegation. Projects may receive delegations even by offering just services in exchange for the delegation, but we think that's highly unlikely. The projects most likely to receive delegation are the ones offering the most value in terms of a mix of services, fiat, crypto, utility tokens, and equity.
I see no reason to continue funding fundition, steemcleaners or spaminator - if it was up to me all of them would have delegations removed. Fundition is straight up corrupt, making new spam accounts for spam content that does nothing but leech from the reward pool.
Steemcleaners should not be the #1 rewarded author for their automated spam reports, while selectively enforcing rules and ignoring abuse from their whale mates. Also its spelled "plagiarism".
I'm glad to see some reductions but in shock that fundition managed to keep any with their obvious corruption. Hopefully next round is more aggressive, this is potentially life-changing funding being discussed and it will have a massive influence over the future of steem - please take this seriously and stop rewarding bad actors.
@steemcleaners doesn't upvote itself. I'm not sure it's ever upvoted with Steemit delegation. Same with @spaminator. That's been the policy all along. The stake is used for abuse mitigation, ie downvotes only. This has the effect of returning rewards to the pool.
Other delegations to accounts that upvote have the effect of disenfranchising and diluting the influence of people who have earned, kept, and powered up their stake. It's those delegations that should be scrutinized with care, because if they aren't adding a lot of value to Steem, they're taking it from the STEEM market.
Okay although I wasn't meaning to imply they were using the delegation from steemit for upvotes. The upvotes come from adm, on automated reports and comments that anyone else would be flagged for (using the delegation). It's been a sore point for many people for a few years.
We definately need steemcleaners and/or other services like it - as well as a healthy ecosystem of manual abuse fighters for steem to survive & thrive. If they're being funded through author rewards as well as being given massive delegations for free - they should be accountable and consistent with how they apply their downvotes.
I agree completely that services contributing to rewarding low effort/spam content should be scrutinized as they have a bigger effect on the market.
The issue with manual abuse fighting, as @steemflagrewards tries to do, is that "abuse" is perceived differently from individual to individual. We have people scrutinize even the tiniest of bought votes. Then, there are those only looking for big purchase of several dollars.
Sure, there are objective lines like plagiarism, etc. But, other things can fall into gray lines.
Thanks for laying the truth out there, @ausbitbank.
Agreed. They have larges stakes and free downvotes now. Cut the delegations.
Completely agree
Cut most of the delegations. Who are these lucky insiders and why do they get such a big portion of the currency? Too many people have been getting fat off the backs of the content-creators for too long.
I agree, I came to fundition a few months back to get me project listed there, they had a bunch of obvious bugs on their website and even though I insisted several times none of them were solved.
And all these bugs had a big impact on if my users will trust them and all of them would've been easy fixed.
right i support this
now we don't need steemcleaner or spaminator because free downvote pool is live now.,
Finally someone who says the truth straight away! @austibank
How if the good actors have lost hope and left over time ?
Steemcleaners - spaminator - mac bot ect needs a more focused mandate. Copy pasting your title to your blog should not be an offense. These people are retards. Only big ticket items like child porn and hate groups should draw a these accounts into battle. Not making average users leave the platform over minor things. I am still on there list for copy pasting titles over a year ago. Last time I checked over a year ago they had attack 2500 dolphins. Either delegate to our bid bots or leave. You can see what most choose by looking at steems price.
Thanks so much for all your hard works committee. Could you change the word "Rewardhunt" to "Reviewhunt"? Thanks!
This post has been included in the latest edition of The Steem News - a compilation of the key news stories on the Steem blockchain.
What is the deal with who has 500k?
Why U such a busy body? lol
They pay busy people...
Are you Busy enough?
Surprised to see this, we have mentioned how powering up and usage of STEEM to be introduced in our plans. One of the examples, we already released in recent update of Surfer, people can use STEEM to purchase goods inside application and we are adding more features that will, not only encourage usage of ESTM but STEEM as well. And other steps that were mentioned was, improved gamification across our apps so that when users are powering up they are rewarded, when they burn they will be rewarded again. These changes are being worked on and released with steps. Also, eSteem is not just mobile application, we have desktop application Surfer and Web application which we recently launched. All products working together and with iterations we are moving towards having fully fledged products, no other frontend currently offer. Note, we do run our infrastructure (full node) as well to help our users stay connected always.
Hope this helps to clarify some points...
Thanks for good work!
eSteem is a great project. In the future those things that you are describing if functioning seem like on the surface they could all qualify for the top tier. However, in the current model we don't see those in it, which is why it's approved, but not approved for the maximum. Over the next 3 months you'll miss out on about 10% of the stake. You'll have plenty of time to add some of those features that require powering up, burning, or provide a new use case for Steem by the time everyone is set to compete for delegations they are looking for.
When esteem Steem browser? :D Like Brave? Can we fork brave and replace BAT with STEEM? SPS proposal idea?
We NEED to see steem as more of a whole internet and less of a blockchain. we can have our OWN steem BROWSER forking brave, like Gab AI is doing with replacing bAT with BTC.
Wouldn't it be way easier just to partner with one of those teams? I think partnering with the Dissenter browser is the way to go, they don't have a token yet and it would be seriously bad ass if Steem was integrated into Dissenter's universal comment system.
This is a powerful idea - do you have a contact?
Sorry, not connected with Dissenter team. But I'm sure their team would give a Steemit Inc. employee an ear if requested.
Paging the steemit team! Have they heard of this suggestion yet? That andrarchy guy?
Maintaining browser is serious and big task for our small team, although we can check our options if it brings value to Steem overall. We will do some research on this subject. Thanks for suggestions!
Good to know blatant abuse will be tolerated.
There have to be guidelines in place before there can be abuse. Guidelines are getting established with this, and corrective adjustments can come. If even after clear guidance and notice of consequences are ignored then it's pretty easy to defend.
There are no guidelines on Steem, and we fight “abuse” everyday. It’s called using common sense to see what is adding value or taking away value from the community shared inflation pool.
The truth is more than one of these projects have used the shared inflation pool to remove value, even with input from the community to point out the inappropriate behavior, for nothing more than their own gain. While also contributing to spam, farming, as well as many other things.
“They had no guidelines given to them” is a poor excuse used for far too long. They should all start at zero then and apply.. as I don’t know what project in their right mind would be approved for the garbage provided.
Hurray, a voice of reason!!!
yeah youre right, its common sense. and we need better, we need standards. @muyghat years ago asked for "proof of profit" and some may see that as harsh but we should try the revolutionary idea... of only rewarding projects that show a profit? :D
ok ok i know thats WAAAAAy to CRAZZZZy of an idea to ever fly on steem where the whales don't know what ideology they support :D
These "guidelines"... they need to be standardized and voted on in a STEEM DAC . The SPS is not a DAO its just a worker proposal system. we need a real DAO like Telos has, with arbitrators, Steem FOundation elections with SF having funding, and we need a steem constitution and ratification of documents and the ability to upload and vote on other documents. Then maybe we can create a consensus for these nebulous arbitrary guidelines we all try to follow... we need to just be more strict! We have to give ourselves more credit for having hiccups while we develop the next generation decentralized star trek community with no money and everyone clothed and fed :D All of these problems with "spam" and misallocation of tiny amounts of delegation are trivial or will seem so when steem is bull running and we all realize there is nothing we can do about what others do with their SP. All we can do is complain like you have done here, which isimportant, if we dont file complaints, nothing gets done. Our complaints are our voice and it is with complaints that everything gets done in any large organization. People complain and we get new products.
I think we shouldnt have a stigma about complaints. They are our lifeblood in software development, we need input from users and steemit inc has a nasty habit oif telling us to go fork ourselves. Now that we actually are forking steem and have options on eos and telos, I am happy to see steemians gettinG ANGRY about misallocation of SP, BUT its too little too late and we should just worry about onboarding, and using the tech oif steem, the distribution is a lost cause... you cant ever get steemit inc to give up 10 million steem to create accounts like they need to... SO LETS just worry about using forked version fo steem that can be used in a cross chain way, SCALING STEEM should be what we focus on AND i can ask @liquidaps-io if we can get STEEM
We are creating the next level technocratic society here, and the rest of the world just sits and lets us work. One day theyll use what we make, and we wont get much credit , just like with nikolai tesla.
But until then we have to make guidlines, we have to have standards and oracles, elected arbitrators, lots of checks and balances we can try out! None of it may be perfect but we should at least try to create more standards
Thanks for your reasonable and inciteful comment @justineh
I hope we can use governance tools from Telos like Arbitrator and Steem Foundation elections, and Document upload and ratification, so we can a have people assigned to be strict HUMAn filters :) Then we can allocate this delegation better, and have users applying struct guidelines to these projects, maybe delegation escrow, so delegation can be revoked by the arbitrator... i mean there's so many options thats just one idea...but lets not eb scared of these big words and concepts, steemit inc devs are nt the only ones who can build stuff, they just want to make their work seem muych more complicated than it is but blockchain is not rock science. no one;s lives are at stake, its just internet games, for now, untill bull run, nd then maybe livleyhoods may be at stake, but we should be more relaxed about BUIDLINg on steem. Far tooi many peopel are under this spell of "I cant do anything im just a minnow" when no its 2019 anyone can buidl anything online and thats the secret.
id apologize for my long comment but im beyond that now. People should be grateful to see any comments on any steem posts with our recent activity numbahs.
Here is 100 CHLp @challengedac tokens since you "challenged" steem's status quo :D you get a technocracy with these committee's, or an idiocracy? I'm not too sure...
I totally agree with you. @justineh
Is not that common anymore... isn't it ?
I vote (up or down) based on what I see as good for Steem. What I make is irrelevant and Mr H does not seem to realise that as he keeps hammering me. I think it is pretty obvious to anyone if they are 'abusing' Steem. It is good to see so much of it dealt with lately.
They have proven they haven't managed their free SP well when they completely abandoned the original project to benefit their for-profit game by voting for devs and voting for the largest creation of spam on the blockchain.
Fundition doesn't do much of anything but Drug Wars. There is no reason they need Steemit Inc stake. What they have done with it thus far should be confirmation enough.
That is not the conclusion we drew from looking at their application and recent activity on their site.
I get the frustration about Drug Wars, and from the committee point of view, that's the reason it was called out.
First time I hit a website that looks good on Edge and not at all on Chrome. lol
Clone this protest bot
It's surprising to see your team still doubting eSteem potential and still asking how Steem can be burnt through eSteem.
eSteem has developed several projects in the past.
And with more still coming from the roadmap.
Even Steemit still uses Google search enhancing centralized search platform! You're all talking of onboarding, people have choices, not everyone will like web app. Imagine Twitter/Facebook without a mobile app!
Cause you don't spam good like
@fundition@laundition.Im surprised we dont see more spammers scammers and anonymous ponzis on steem. Honestly it should be a magnet for the worst people and its kinda funny how much we fly under the radar. How has the gubermnet not tried to shut down steemit? Like, i feel we just havent gotten their attention yet. I guess we just need someone like alex jones and then we can get shut down by regulators lol
maybe the gubermnet knows they cant shut down steemit inc cua z of steem blockchain? maybe they dont wanna make a martyer?
people are divided and conquered. no one at steemit inc went to anyone at voat or gab ai to form some new alliance against facebook. I feel there is a alternate universe where dan never left, ned was cool and had some hot GF motivating him back in 2017 and i imagine a present where steem is $80 and totally different. We may never have actually done a building tho
nah ahha $80 steem and we would have buil;t so many MORE dapps :D
whatever i still think we can salvage steem and that the stunting of its growth wasnt TOO bad... we can always use steem for an educational blockchain. But we have to compete with Telos and TEACH and we need to really find onboarding methods as well. I have 2000 INV so i can onboard 2000 users but I need a way top FIND people who even want to use steem, no one does
i cant even give out free accounts... no one cares no one wants to post. tribes are my only hope as I have a place for locals to post and get rewarded
i plan on having a tribe for every city one day, @aggroed should make plenty of money with a city tribe for every city in the world :D
I see 👍
First of all: thank you for your
as @starkerz mentioned.
and I like the decisions so far. I think fundition should follow the new guidelines from now on and I am happy with the approval of their delegation since this is a really strong project with a huge effect outside of steem. I think this is outstanding here in the list.
But I want to mention as well that I admire the move of @starkerz to step back from judging @dtube and yoodoo. But at the same time I wanna question if he is the right one to be a part of the team. Aren't those objective guidelines for the team to judge? At least the linked spreadsheets seam to be kind of a guideline. So why is their a possibility to judge unfair? The community relies on your opinions and is trusting your decisions. I am not happy with the fact that someone (needs to) step back from this really important task..
Btw: this comment and my thoughts are not influenced by anything related to @oracle-d or that I am a DTube node leader
I was trying to find which 8 questions that @dtube hasn't answered.
@joythewanderer these:
ah ok, hope the team provide answers soon
Posted using Partiko iOS
Posted using Partiko iOS
It’s too easy to challenge objectivity is there’s potential personal interest involved. That is the correct position taken by @starkerz.
@tibfox you have a great point here but don't you think that if there's anyone who understands the perfect model to bring new investment to STEEM and spot any project that has the potential to do the same it would be @starkerz? Leaving aside all forms of sentiment, I think having him on the team is one of the biggest bonuses such committee can ever have. Stepping back from scoring @yoodoo and @dtube doesn't also make the team weaker. There are guidelines and his subjective judgement of those is why he must have stepped back.
Still, no response why Busy delegation was ignored?
wow you are about as smart as a sack full of rocks : )
I guess this is an important post and it would have been appropriate if this was posted from Steemit Blog. It would have provided an opportunity for many people to share their views.
I second this. Something this important shouldn't be originated from an obscure blog with 100 followers. Unless I'm wrong, there doesn't appear to be an official request for comments period from the community regarding these matters, so it appears posts like these are only function as a forum to air grievances after the fact.
That would [potentially] take away from the independence of the Delegation Committee. But resteems exists so the visibility of the post can easily be boosted.
I Agree and i almost ignored this post because i dont recognize @delegationtrust and have no idea why they cant just post from @steemitblog lol oh andrarchy always doing the work of 5 people :D he made his OWN video for steem, when steemit inc should have given him budget to just create a small studio on a budget where he could create steemit news... honestly its sorely needed, an officially distributed news source about steemt inc
it wont be steem news, just steemit news :D we need to have a CENTRALIZED place to get steem info for a while, untill we see more spring up. no shame in leading the steem community with a TV show
Yes exactly. This post is something that is going to change the fate of Steem and if it is posted from an account that is not even popular who will even know this.
Or at least I would be happy to see this resteemed by steemit blog. Thanks to some big people who resteemed it and that's why it appeared in my feed.
by the way thanks for that amazing steem engine bot you made @kanibot i highly recommend buyin the subscription to get discord notifications of all your steem engine transactions

its really worth it for seeing SCOT token delegations! And im sure when SMts come out youll be first to make the SMt notification bot!
Because the members of the delegation commitee are not steemit inc employees. Anyhow, steemit featured the post so that takes care of the visibility for those who are not following the account. The interested parties are first and foremost those who applied for a delegation (they should certainly be following the account and I would be surprised if they are not).