Deep Thought Project - Gun Control

☠️ Gun Control ☠️
This seems to be quite a large topic of discussion over the last few years in the US.
So I would like to share some of my thoughts on this matter.
Now I'm not for guns and I'm not against guns, so I guess you could say I'm sitting on the fence.
It really amazes me that when this gun control debate comes up because of a mass shooting people seem to step around the rhinoceros in the living room.
People are so quick to debate the matter of gun control but no one is willing to look at the big picture, which is what are some of the problems with our society which could cause someone to do such a thing as shoot a bunch of people.
Now for some people yes mental health is very likely the reason, but what is the cause of their mental health problems and what on earth could lead someone to go and kill a bunch of random people.
There has to be something that causes their mental health problems. No human being is born with them but rather through years of suffering and neglect it is something which manifests over time.
The pressures placed on us as human beings from society is greater now than it ever has been.
If parents are really struggling that can have a negative impact on their mental health, which can lead to things like child abuse.
These days you seem to work hard all week just to put food on the table, and so many families are locked in to the rental trap which has just spiraled out of control.
Take for instance here in Australia, it's the norm to spend half of your working wage just to have a roof over your head so rental prices have doubled in the past 10 years.
Now on top of that you have the cost of living exploding out of control, which I would say has doubled over the last 10 years too yet wages have barely risen to meet the rise in inflation. So it's no wonder why some people just loose the plot.
These are just a taste of the problems our society has, so I wont go on about them here.

Yes gun control is probably a good thing, but then again if someone is motivated enough to harm other people they are going to do it anyway.
Just because you have gun control in place don't mean anything.
Maybe that controlled firearm will be used for a mass shooting, there is no way to determine if a perfectly sane person will loose their shit.
Also whats stopping someone who is motivated to kill a bunch of people suppressing those feelings, then going and getting a firearm in a "controlled manner" and then using it on people all you doing here is delaying the inevitable.
If someone wants a gun they can also just pay for it on the black market, and here in Australia is a prime example. We have tight gun control laws yet there are shootings all the time still.
Like I said I'm not for or against guns, but I do think we need to fix some of the underlying problems in our society otherwise this type of thing is just going to happen over and over again.
☠️ What Can Be Done ☠️
Well to begin fixing the problem of mass shootings maybe we should be calling for change with some of the real problems in society.
One big problem is the tax burden which is placed on low and middle class families.
The burden seems to be placed on us more than the incredibly rich. So lets look as a company like general electric who will pay no taxes. Why should a super wealthy company be exempt from paying taxes yet people who are already struggling as it is have to then pay taxes.
We are taxed on everything.
There is 1% of the world who now own half the wealth of the world. This to me seems incredibly unjust and unfair.
Financial pressure can cause massive problems for families which then flows on to society as a whole.
I figure rather than taking to the streets and protesting gun control, people from both side of the argument and the people like me who are sitting in the middle should all combine our resources and organize mass protests for the inequality which is rife in our society.

It really actually frustrates me sometimes, as some of the people who are really wealthy are so quick to jump to the conclusion that we have mass shootings because of lack of gun control.
Sitting there in their fancy cars with their fancy clothes driving home to their multi million dollar homes, but they can't work it out.
Or they get mugged and wonder why it's happened to them, like they are so special. News flash your not special it's just the type of thing that happens when there is such inequality in our society.
Then to make things even worse with inequality is the emergence of social media and trolls, who will harass you because your family might not be as well of as theirs.
It's all fun and games harassing someone until they snap and go on a killing spree, then it ain't fun and games is it.
But no "gun control" is the issue and what apparently needs to be fixed.
Well that's enough ranting from me, but I hope I can open a few peoples eyes here and we as a society can start to fix the actual problems with our society.
There are so many reasons in our society that could be the reason why someone would snap and go on a shooting spree, but just because a gun is sitting there does not make it the reason why.

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The problem is US Culture, and wherever US Culture has spread, the gun problems have increased. The problem with broken culture is it can take a long long time to fix as generations are infected.
That's another really good point, completely agree with you. Just another piece of the pie.
It's hard to say if that is the sole reason, but would definitely be a contributing factor in many cases.
I think there is a rather large range of factors, too many to write about in one post.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
I strongly agree with your opinion, this is a very needy in need in the next few years. all there must be control. both personal respective citizens, and of course the government. if I may want once resteem your news.@thevillan.
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