The DeepState & what it means for the Mid-Term Elections

in #deepstate6 years ago


The Deep State consists of rogue elements in and outside Government, regardless of political affiliation, who use Government as a means for personal aggrandizement and profit.

They are in fact GANGSTERS.

Regardless of what one may think of Donald Trump and his foibles, he seems to have the people’s best interests at heart. Unlike either Republican OR Democrat parties - both of which represent Corporate Interests - Trump is trying to reverse America’s De-industrialization and economic road to ruin. A nation that produces nothing is simply a cog in the wheel of Globalism – which Wall Street has arranged with the help of Congress through so-called “free trade” agreements.

Meanwhile, in the Alt-mediaverse, it has become fashionable to believe the system is a rigged game, a total “Psyop” (a deceptive Psychological Operation) and Americans have no recourse to stem the black mud tide of corruption.

This attitude in itself qualifies as a Psyop!

Obviously Trump's election was an anomaly. He has continually decried the fact that it is a rigged system. Rigged to benefit the few at our expense. Still, the paranoia runs so deep it is now assumed Trump is playing to our sympathies, telling us what we want to hear, but is really working against us. Which is really quite absurd.

Apparently, the real battle in the 2018 midterm elections is with the dialectic of cognitive dissonance that besieges our perceptions and plays both sides against the middle.

True, both Democrat and Republican parties work and represent the interests of Wall Street. Wall Street is deeply connected to the Intelligence agencies. They have given us war by pretext, including the Spanish American war, the Bolshevik Revolution, two World Wars, Vietnam and the war the Middle East. See All Wars are Banker’s Wars & War By Deception

Is it any wonder they are trying to take down Donald Trump?

Wall Street wants a Globalist regime; open borders, cheap labour, poverty wages and, most importantly, war. Trump is a direct threat to their agenda.

He also threatens the blackmail rings that cater to Pedo-sexual deviants.

In a 2017 public service announcement, Congressman Steve Scalise announced official policies being implemented against human trafficking and child predators.

Not long after, he was shot during a Republican softball game. He survived, but the message was clear: the intelligence community blackmailers want to maintain control of their assets.

The apoplectic disorder brought on by Trump’s election is clearly not ideological.

Anyone who is paying attention to detail understands that the tangle of deception initiated by the Intelligence community is all about covering up their own crimes. Brennan, Comey, Strzok, Mueller, Rosenstein and a host of dirty players in high law enforcement positions are attempting to frame Donald Trump.

Mueller’s “investigation” is a prosecutorial venture in search of a crime.

Democrats are chomping at the bit to regain a majority in congress in order to impeach President Trump. For what? -Not believing the so-called “Intelligence Community Assessment” that he was part of some Russian conspiracy to get him elected? Is it because he's any of the things they say he is? No. It is about maintaining the corrupt status quo.

The "Russian Meddling" centers on the assumption DNC servers were compromise by one “Guccifer 2.0”

However, former NSA Technical Director and Whistle blower, William Binney provides forensic data proving "Guccifer 2.0" Data is a fabrication and Russia did NOT hack the DNC.

The details of Binney's testimony were handed to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, then CIA director. Trump is well-aware of the details. Obviously he is playing it 'close to the vest' as situations develop. Everyone is praying for Justice to be served.

Not everyone is confident it ever will.

Here is good reason why the 2018 mid-term election is so important…. not to mention, news reports that ‘Former’ CIA personnel will be running as Democrats this November:

Maybe a lot of people would like to see Trump impeached or removed under a bogus pretence? Is it justified?

Objective Independents might consider it in the best interests of the country if Republicans retain the House and Senate. Congress critters need to be convinced that Trump is trying to do right things for the country.

He's not perfect by any stretch, but he's already made great strides.

Trump is up against gangsters who are trying to frame him in order to cover-up and continue looting the country and putting our name on their infamous deeds worldwide.

He needs all the help he can get.

What say you? Please review the afore-posted videos and comment!