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RE: The Deep-State Pivot: The Russian Narrative Fails, Let's Try Civil War
Every Nazi on the street is a Trump supporter. The Alt-Right movement secured Trump the presidency. The Alt-Right movement is a Nazi movement. These are the facts.
False! I voted for Trump, along with many other NON-WHITE voters. You losers can't grasp that the Democrats have nothing to offer America but murder and extortion. Sorry, your facts are memes. Our facts are actual evidence.
Hey genius, I didn't say every Trump supporter was a Nazi, I said ever Nazi was a Trump supporter.
Chalidore, you really need to turn off that CNN, my friend. The alt-right is approximately 1% of this nation, if that, and the vast majority of them don't seem to embrace hate, but rather are disturbed at what they see as the purposeful destruction of western cultural traditions (family, self-responsibilty, hard work, discipline, order). Independent thinking is the only antidote to a controlled-press intent pushing intellectually dishonest narratives, and this seems to be a lost art.
1% of my country being willing to stand side-by-side with Nazis is 1% too many.
The philosophies of communism and bolshevism have caused approximately ten-fold more destruction and death in the past 70 years. Antifa proudly displays the hammer and sickle, and individuals like chalidore don't say a word. The hypocrisy is mind-boggling. My relatives were sent to the Gulags to engage in slave labor until they died by the bolsheviks, for being German and god-fearing. This is not an exaggeration, this is not hyperbole. Pardon me if I ignore your tripe.
I haven't seen hammers and sickles at any of these events. I have seen plenty of Nazi and Confederate flags. I don't see any Bolsheviks murdering Americans in the streets. If I found myself in the company of a group that advocated racism and genocide, I would leave. If I was a member of a political party that made it a common necessity to defend Nazis, I would switch parties.
What happened in Charlottesville, the fellow who's car was being attacked whose response is to plow into a crowd, was disgusting. Saying 'murdering americans in the streets' is a bit of a histrionic oversell. The only large scale murdering I've seen by a racialist group in recent memory was the slaughter of law enforcement in Texas by BLM. This is one of the many reasons individuals on the right are increasingly angry/uncomfortable, the collapse of law and order. With regards to the republican party making 'common cause', the republican party is still dominated by immensely corrupt swamp-folks, I don't think there's a threat of an outbreak of Nazism in the ranks of those who serve a Rothschild master. You can rest easy, our nation is still largely controlled by forces seeking the destruction of western culture.
The "fellow" was a Nazi. This is public information. The fact that you are trying to turn a right wing extremist's terrorist attack into an act of self defense speaks volumes to your character. The Alex Jones conspiracy crap doesn't help you look too smart either. If you are looking for the forces seeking the destruction of western culture, you need only look in the mirror.
Not a fan of Alex Jones, to put it mildly.. . hes a huckster and a charlatan who takes wild speculative leaps, and does far more harm than good. Your ad-hominem aside, I'm not sure what you mean when you speak so definitively about this man being a 'Nazi'. Do you know the definition of this term, by chance? Lastly, you really need to do your research before speaking so definitively on matters of such import, there are numerous pictures of Antifa/etc anti-American thugs attacking his vehicle just before the incident.
Lastly, some research might be in order with regards to the foundations of western culture. I'd wager what you're currently championing is something very, very different.
According to USA Today and New York Times, James Alex Fields was a member of Vanguard America. Vanguard America is a white nationalist group that was providing security for Richard Spencer. These people are Nazis. I have done my research, now you do yours.
What is your definition of Western Culture? I live on the West Coast. Is that West enough for you?
What I am championing is a country that is inclusive to all. The foundations of Western Culture were constructed by slaves upon the graveyards of natives. We, as the beneficiaries of that historic injustice, need to recognize that the descendants of the conquered and enslaved are now our neighbors and countrymen. European settlers came here to get away from religious bigots and imperial warmongering. Now some of their descendants support banning certain religions, and invading other countries to plunder their resources.
Many times, over the course of history, the foundations of western culture have been challenged. Each time we are tested by history, we come out stronger and wiser. We defeated Robert E. Lee. We defeated Hitler. We defeated Osama Bin Laden. Progress and equality always beats fascism and bigotry.
Do you get triggered when you see a confederate statue fall? Why should you? The Confederates are traitors. They lost. They are losers. Losers don't get participation trophies.
It's good that you recognize Alex Jones as a huckster and a charlatan. Now please recognize Donald Trump as the con-artist that he truly is. Many respectable and critically thinking conservatives have already figured it out.
Joe Scarborough figured it out. He left the Republican Party out of disgust for Trumpism.
Yesterday Bill Burr said, "I'm done with that fucking guy."
More will continue to denounce him. His poll numbers get lower every week. One by one, Americans that voted for Trump are figuring out the ugly truth for themselves. A billionaire con-man played on your fears and manipulated you into supporting him. Obama is not a secret Muslim born in Kenya, and he isn't going to take your guns or institute sharia law. Trump never had a secret plan to defeat ISIS in the first 100 days. Obamacare was neither repealed nor replaced. Mexico is not going to pay for the wall. Are you getting the picture yet?
If that isn't enough, let's talk about banking and currency, since that seems to be your pet issue. The U.S. Dollar has lost 8% of it's value since Trump took office. Trump has filled his cabinet with billionaires and CEOs from companies like Goldman Sachs. How exactly is that draining of the swamp going?
So now you gotta ask yourself. Are you gonna be one of the last people to come to terms with the obvious? Are you going to be counted among intellectually honest conservatives that are abandoning Trumpism now, or will you be among the small percentage of the most gullible and naive fools that lack the wisdom or maturity to admit they made a mistake. You are a part of history. The decision is yours.