Article: A Negative DeepPoint Balance

in #deeponion7 years ago


A negative DeepPoint Balance

NOV 27th - Many members of the DeepOnion community are confused as they wake up finding out their DeepPoint balance is sunken to a negative digit. The fear is good, it causes a lot of disbelief. Here's a little explanation.

DeepDominationTasks (DDT)

Since the DeepDominationTasks (DDT) are introduced, the abusing has been doubled. It's attractive for members to grab all they can since its richly rewarding system. For every task you do, you gain 0.0015 DeepPoint. This corresponds 15 likes! After that every like you get to your post will give you a beautiful 0.0002 DeepPoint. This corresponds two likes per like! This is why the DDT's are being abused so often.

If we assume that 1 DP is worth 1200 onions, it will mean that every completed task (0.0015) is worth 1.8 onions. Every gained like will be worth 0.24 onion. Easy money. This is why the DDT's are so attractive for abusive members.


A lot of people make mistakes by doing this DDT's. The rules are simple but sometimes easily overlooked. Forgetting a like, or comment happens very often. This will cause a deletion of the task. This mistakes can be very expensive. Cause every rejected task will give you a -0.0045 loss. This can cause you a big amount of discredit digits. This is why people are shocked when they come online and see this negative DeepPoints Balance. Starting thread with questioning what to do, how to solve it and overall how reach a positive balance again.

Even the familiar members

Not only the new members are having this struggles. Stricter rules, higher standards and stricter controls. It's difficult for some of them. In the beginning there was a liberal mentality but now there is this strict mentality because of all the abusers. This is a big reason to stop participating with the DDT's for some people. People express their displeasure by complaining and getting angry. But the moderators are straight. Nothing will bring the rejected tasks back. People hit by this rejection have to do it all over again.

Negative to positive

Don't be too frustrated if you find yourself in a negative balance. This is not the end of the world. A negative balance can be corrected again. If not you can start over after the Sunday airdrop. This airdrop will reset the DeepPoints you have. The only disadvantage of having a negative balance is the fact you wont get payed.

If you find out early, you can correct the negative balance. You can do this by participating with the community again. Write good comments and maybe a good thread. But overall try to read the rules before participating the DDT's. If so, it would be fine at the end of the week and you'll get your DeepPoints reward straight to your address.

Over and out.