Financial markets, bubbles and other candies

in #deeponion7 years ago (edited)

It’s been some long days lately. The image of the market is like watching the Texas Chain Saw Massacre ; everything is red, scary and bleeding.

In moments like that I recall a quote of Baron Rothchild « Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own ».

I never actually liked Rothchild, I never expected me to quote him in public either, but it seems that he was right in that one.

It’s pretty simple, behind every tragedy or crash, there is always a good opportunity to make some profit. This is also called opportunism which is another term that I don’t like. But in crypto you have to be opportunist, you have to buy low and sell high, if you want to make profit ; you have to take advantage of the market’s volatility.

I ain’t saying anything original, I am not reinventing the wheel, but in times like that we have to keep cool and take the right decisions. The right decisions are the decisions which dont’t produce any loss. It is as simple as that.

Financial Markets and bubbles

There are three rules about the markets, that I always keep in mind :
-Financial markets move in repetitive cycles
-Every high has a following dip (and backwards)
-The higher we go, the lower and longer the dips

It seems that crypto market is into a correction phase during these last weeks. It seems that it’s absolutely normal if you consider the historical price records that we witnessed two months ago.

Out there you will hear about market crash scenarios, krach probabilities, the end of cryptos etc. Thank you but I am not buying. Media and people who share this kind of infos they either have their own purposes and interests, they either don’t know what blockchain technology is about and how it already changes our lives.

Personally, i find that it’s a nice season to make up my portfolio, to plant the seeds and wait for the flowers to grow.


What seed am I planting ?

This season I am mainly planting onion. DeepOnion.

I have already made a review about this crypto, but now I have two more reasons to share with you :

I. When I discovered and wrote my first review about DeepOnion the price was at 10,62$. Even back then, I thought that it was good entry point given the description of the project and the low total supply (25M). Right now, due to market correction, the price is just 3,38$ (6/2/2018). Well, I really doubt if we will be able to buy Onion in that price again in the future.

II. During the last 7 days, the onion developers made two super important announcements regarding the project.
They announced the integration of ofs4 protocol as well as the integration of Meek protocol in the DeepOnion wallet making it the worlds’ most advanced Tor using crypto.

For a private cryptocurrency, these news are huge and it's expected to have an impact on the price as well.

Beyond that, it means that we are a step forward towards the main goal of the project, 100% untraceable and anonymous transactions from anywhere in the world.