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RE: Deep Dives 16 | Jeffrey Epstein - Black Books, Sexual Blackmail and Child Prostitution

in #deepdives6 years ago


Try to make sure that we don't accuse anyone of a crime, well Epstein was already a convicted sex abuser, but while investigating others just choose your words carefully.

Recently, a 2 year old post made by @rebelskum received a DMCA and Steemit removed it from their front-end. Even though the post in question was thoroughly sourced a take-down request was issued. Just be sure to source your material and think about using the words "allegedly" "claim" "purport" "assert"... just to be on the safe side.

Our good friend @ausbitbank pointed out the DMCA notice.

Original Post:


@ausbitbank is a legend. I saw one of his posts referenced today off chain.

Thanks for the good advice.

Just read and commented on your post on the Mint Press piece, i also read it and included it in this post. It's indeed a shocker but perhaps essential for understanding the Epstein case. I think, as i'm already seeing, that the msm will try to focus solely on Epstein as a sick individual acting alone trying to blackmail people in power. They dare not look at the overarching narrative or connections to a greater abuse and blackmail operation.

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