The Federal Reserve Of Crypto Confiscation

in #deepdives28 days ago

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Yeah baby, it all sounds so good until you get down to the fine print. When Trump announced he was going to embrace crypto currencies and start a Federal Reserve for crypto's to hedge against inflation the whole crypto universe was ecstatic. Trump was going to rush in and disrupt the whole status quo of how the world once functioned, break that camel's back so the world could flourish in a decentralized new era without the worry of regulations hanging over their heads.

I know because I've argued with a few of them there was simply no way that was ever going to happen. There was never going to be going back to it's takes a village and how that village ran would be dependent upon who ran it. Pipe dreams and all. People, at least by now, you'd thought had learned to never take Trump in the literal sense of his words. Trump's chosen diatribe of word salads have most salivating for the years gone yonder, fairness and justice will finally be brought forth in it's long sought out revenge from the masses. Those poor, poor soybean farmers will finally see their due share of the export economy, whereas, say, he'd said those poor, poor steak, potatoes and egg farmers. Well people might have started to really wonder. Who really gives much of a rats ass about soybeans, but people tend to really care about their steak, potatoes and eggs disappearing from their tables or getting to expensive to buy for their tables. That's what ended up happening, all cleverly disguised under the guise of helping that poor soybean farmer get his fair share of that market. In all his stable genius way, he waits until the last few days of his administration to sign trade agreements that said XY and Z country will commit said sum amount to buy US agricultural products, which seen historical levels of our beef, potatoes and eggs leaving the country. Higher demand, higher prices, all hidden and blamed under Biden's inflation.

So I guess it shouldn't but it will come as a shock that the federal reserve for crypto's will be used to store confiscated crypto's that come about due to the failure of anyone who doesn't follow the new regulations. How they will confiscate them, I don't know, the new regulations haven't abound yet but I've often said it will all hinge on the men willing to spend time in prison. The new debate open the discussions of crypto's being to integrated into society to try and stop them, and that may be true, and they may have come to that rationalization, especially in the revolving global economy of digital monetarization. There may be or they may take on all different shapes, sizes, forms and values, but it could also conceivably mean why Nancy Pelosi said that taking money out of the allocation for hundreds of new IRS agents would hurt the global economy. How could that possibly even be unless, of course, it'd take that many additional agents to track all the new monetary digital forms. You really didn't think they were going to let everyone get away with that, now did you.

In another highly-anticipated move, Trump’s executive order directs the group to explore the creation of a national digital asset stockpile, without directly establishing one. The order instructs the group to “propose criteria for establishing such a stockpile, potentially derived from cryptocurrencies lawfully seized by the Federal Government through its law enforcement efforts.” Trump has been a vocal supporter of a federal Bitcoin reserve to hedge against inflation. Proponents of the move say it would legitimize the cryptocurrency as a store of value and drive up its price.