Five Star General Sneaker Con

in #deepdiveslast year


I've often told this story in comments of the first moment I started getting skeptical about Trump. That day I was sitting on the couch watching one of his covid news conferences he was holding. The person speaking at the podium came off the podium and started shaking hands with people stand off to the side of the podium, one which happen to be Trump. Trump shook his hand and said "maybe this will open up some jobs for our young people". I about fell off the couch trying to reach for the remote to replay what he said as I couldn't believe he'd said it. I rewound it several times and that's exactly what he said.

This was one of the news conferences that was relatively new, like right close to the beginning of them holding them. Elderly people in Italy were dying at a relatively fast pace with having gotten covid. Many people thought I took him out of context but there's just no taking a statement like that out of context. You simply don't say things like that when people are dying. In retrospect of that remark I think I've finally found my beginning to an end in that remark. It won't matter much, those still adamant in their support of Trump will simply continue to make excuses for him time and again. I wouldn't say it's completely true at this point that he wouldn't lose any voters if he shot someone on fifth avenue, as apparent by his declining supporter base, but he still has millions of people who still believe their best interest lays with a man who has contributed to the deaths of millions across the globe with his big, beautiful vaccine. He even admits that he wasn't given credit for his work:

Trump, January 3, 2020: "Something how Dr. Fauci is revered by the lamestream media. Having done, they say, such an incredible job, yet he works for me and the Trump administration and I am in no way given any credit for my work. Gee, could this just be more fake news?"

He also bragged that we were winners on excess mortality:

Trump, October 15, 2020: "Excess mortality, we're a winner on the excess mortality. And what we've done has been amazing. And we have done an amazing job."

He even told the world that if corona virus comes back it won't be coming back in the form it was, it will be coming back in smaller doses.

Trump, April 22, 2020: "If (corona virus) comes back though it won't be coming back in the form that it was, it will be coming back in smaller doses that we can's also possible it doesn't come back at all.

Still, when you point out what he said to people they want to explain it away as an euphemism comparable to saying you can only take your mother in law in small doses. Yet would they also claim their mother in law is someone they have tremendous control over?

Trump, March 15, 2020: "This is very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something we have tremendous control over."

Or how about the pre-knowledge that the vaccines switch up your immune response.

Trump, October 24, 2020: "So they brought it down now, immunity from life to four months."

Or how about this for a harbinger:

Trump, April 23, 2020: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check on that."

Trump, April 24, 2020: So suppose we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultra violet or just a very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn't been checked yet out but you're going to test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way"

He wasn't talking about bleach but the use of titanium dioxide which they were using to spray down the planes that were transporting officials from one country to another. That's why you seen officials exiting from the planes with face mask on despite exiting out into the open air. Titanium dioxide is activated by heat and light. The way they found to get it into people's lungs is by making a anti-bacterial layer consisting of titanium dioxide in face mask. You definitely don't want to buy any face mask trotting UVB and UVA capabilities, those mask contain titanium dioxide. The government funded, if I remember correctly, a company in Indonesia to manufacture them. So no foreign, UVB, UVA facemask would be my recommendation. For anyone curious enough, go ahead, as I have, and try and figure out what face mask are made out of. Not one single box I looked at tells you that. Graphene Oxide is another, used as nanoparticle for the inner layer of face mask. This one will be advertised as having a moisture resistant inner barrier. In this particular instance you would actually have to fray the mask for the particles to be released but you'll never get the graphene out of your lungs if you manage to fray, than breathe in those particles. How many times have you seen people wearing the same disposable mask over and over again, I have, plenty of times. That should be a big "no no" when wearing disposable mask you have no idea what it's made out of or where it came from.

This is a man who just loves to tell people what the real deal is but it gets hidden behind all the hype. Just like he told people he wasn't coming back after the 2020 election. Repeatedly.

Trump, October 24, 2020: "Turn on the television, covid, covid, covid, covid, covid. A plane goes down, 500 people died, they don't talk about it - covid, covid, covid, "By the way, on November 4th, you won't hear about it anymore".

Trump, October 26, 2020: "Cases up because we test, test, test. A fake news media conspiracy. Many young people heal very fast, 99.9%. Corrupt media conspiracy at all time high. On November 4th the topic will change. Vote.

Trump, October 28, 2020: "November 4th. On November 4th, you'll hear, it's getting better, it's getting better. You watch. No, no they're doing heavy covid because they want to scare people and people get it."

Trump, Oct 28, 2020: Covid, covid, covid is the unified chant of the fake news lamestream media. They will talk about nothing else until November 4th when the election will be hopefully over. Then the talk will be how low the death rate is, plenty of hospital rooms and many tests of young people."

Maybe now without all the hyperbole attached, people reading those statements can see them for the clarity contained therein, he wasn't coming back on November 4th and his statements reflected that. "By the way" we've all used that expression and the context in which we meant to use it, as in I want you to also know. The democrats were more than happy to take the reins for the destructive path we'd been set upon, Trump would long been set free of any accountability of his participation.

I can go on with the statements he's made that will show that at the time we hit what he projected as the death count compared to what others had projected, he came out and announced that we had finally rounded the corner. That was the moment he started getting serious about opening back up despite his many contradictions to the contrary prior to that. His statements would reflect it. He just played people by the use of hyperbole making them believe it would be by that beautiful Easter day.

I further find comfort from all the backlash I've taken for "taking things he said out of context" in his defense when I come across quotes that I wasn't so out of context as it seemed. This is what happened today when I came across an article about his upcoming sales of Trump sneakers.

"“We’re going to turn this country around fast. We’re going to turn it around. And we’re going to remember the young people, and we’re going to remember Sneaker Con.”

Yeah, as I've just displayed above, Trump is full of sneakers, he absolutely loves sneakers, and he'll put those sneakers in wherever he can fit them. He's the poster boy of what a sneaker con can look like, a true symbolism to the words themselves. His whole motivation wasn't to make America great again in the fashion it had once been known, instead it was to remove the obstacles of the past out of the way for a generation of younger people. He said it in the beginning and he said it again. To borrow a few words from Trump's son in law, Jared Kushner, "it's very easy to say what you are against and much harder to say what you are for", so they'll sneak around the bush about it. I freed you from the latches, I killed grandpa and grandma for you, welcome aboard young supporters, I did this all for you, grab yourself a pair of these sneakers and follow the great Sneaker Con.