CIA Whistle-blower Speaks Out About Illegal Unconstitutional Activity That He Witnessed Being A Part Of The CIA

in #deep-state7 years ago

False Flag Attacks?  Engineering your world for unconstitutional acts to play out over a people.  My question is doesn't anyone ever care?  Isn't anyone going to stand up and be accounted for in trying to sift through the bull shit, or are we all just going to play dead as though none of this is going on?

The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  It supersedes every other law in the United States criminal justice system in the Judicial Branch of Government and people need to know that what they are working on is basically creating pathways through those laws, and until you know your rights, and know this constitution, you are going to be taken full advantage of when it comes to how the law proceeds in your life.

When the Government violates the constitution, they are committing multiple felonies based on the foundation of our government, and people need to know that before they set foot into a court room and become trampled on by illegal activities that there government is willing to do.  

It is almost too late to stop the unconstitutional government.  They are ruining our lives through subversion, force and fear.  Why aren't people stepping up to the plate here?  Is this who you would like running your children's lives?  Is this what you want your children's lives to be ruled over by?  An elite that just want to make sure that they can hurt whomever they want?


It's all out there, we just have to follow the money !

You're telling the truth there. Greed has corrupted the souls of this world.

You're looking in the right place. Fiat currency is the worst right now. The greed and pimps of this bitch ass government have got to be stopped.
