Decrypting the Apple Logo - 33° Illuminated VIDEO

in #ddaily6 years ago (edited)

Just investigating the Apple logo today and I found the 33°.... wtf is the 33°? is it even an angle, or could it be a temperature.. maybe both?? What is so great about it? They say there are 33 vertebrate in the spine, however I looked into and and that might not be the case.

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33rd degree Freemasons??? They do rub it in our faces all the time, don't they?

They totally do.. I just do my best to see creation in all of it and I use it as a tool to manifest the shit outta my reality.. But I don't know what the 33rd is yet... I've been thinking about it a lot, believe me.

Well, the 33rd degree Freemason is the highest degree they can get. They are in the 'in-crowd' meaning with people like the royal families, presidents, etc. etc. You know what they say about people in high places? They're usually not very 'clean' so to speak... The number 33 in numerology usually represents something good. However, I highly doubt it here. They love their numbers and 33 is their most important one. When you watch the video's after the 'terror attack' at Westminster, you will see a helicopter (with the freemason's sign on the side of it) flying past the Big Ben. The clock on there was set at 3.33 p.m. Not sure if they have since removed that video, but I might have it somewhere.
The number 33 is also supposed to represent 1/3 of the fallen angels...

or an officer with a free mason hat too! True story!

OH, WOW!!! He may not even have a clue...they could have given it to him and said like: 'Here buddy, why don't you wear this on TV.'

That's a good point! And maybe he thanked them saying "Wow that a smart hat indeed"

Yeah, that is probably it. And even if they let those guys into their inner circles, I'd say they're just pawns. They're all just following orders, so they're definitely not trained to think for themselves. That picture is a great find though, I've seen many hints or their signs all over the place, but usually quick and gone in a flash. Only those who observe would see it. But this one is blatantly in your face.

I totally remember the helicopter that you were mentioning in a previous comment, it's all about hiding in plain sight, that's the name of the game

yes, I'm aware of highest degree in the 'club' and how it's the highest numerological number, but I think there is so much more to it. I worship the numbers as well, they are the only truth.

Yes, I do too. But I think there's always a positive and a negative to those numbers. And they surely don't use it for good...Well, maybe their own good.

Yes definitely their own ‘Good’

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would have not found that. Great research.

Regarding the 33 vertebrae:


Cervical spine: 7 vertebrae (C1–C7)
Thoracic spine: 12 vertebrae (T1–T12)
Lumbar spine: 5 vertebrae (L1–L5)
Sacrum: 5 (fused) vertebrae (S1–S5)
Coccyx: 4 (3–5) (fused) vertebrae (Tailbone)

Thank you, much more to come.


I really thought my 33rd birthday would be something special, and it happened this year(like every year) on the 31st of October, I haven't accomplished a quarter of what I set myself to do in this lifetime!
There's the 33rd degree freemason of course, but other than than, this is what's called in numerology a "Master Number", it resonates at a higher vibration than other numbers.

  • That's the age when Jesus supposedly died on the cross
  • Club 33, located in Disneyland's New Orleans Square.
  • the KKK, numerologically is 11 x3
  • The number of deities in the Vedic Religion is 33
  • Islamic prayer beads are generally arranged in sets of 33

There's many many more references throughout history of course...

yes, great points.. but what does it mean.. we must find this out. I'm certain the 33rd degree is far more than a level status.. It might have to do ti quantum physics, pi and zero point energy. It could be a temperature. 32 in Fahrenheit s freezing, and 33? hmmm

H2O is a very strange complex substance. It exists in 3 states, and is the only for of life that does not obey phi. It is life in its purest form.

Yes !!! you totally right about the boiling point being 33 degrees, that's super interesting and a bit spooky too.
I was trying to figure out if 33 is in the Fibonacci sequence but it doesn't seem like it.

"H2O is a very strange complex substance. It exists in 3 states, and is the only for of life that does not obey phi. It is life in its purest form." You've heard of the "experiment" done on water responding to emotions by that Japanese dude?

yes, emoto.. dope