Dating is only a way to pick up a mate, and this is what Allah doesn't like

in #dating6 years ago

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Often we hear silly questions like this, or even often are asked by dating activists who always seek justification.

But do we know that picking up a mate with halal and haram is the same, the only difference is the blessing.

It is true, in the Qur'an, Allah does not explicitly mention that dating is haram, but Allah mentioned that who approached adultery was haram.

Then what about dating? Yes, courtship is an act that approaches adultery. And although dating doesn't necessarily commit adultery, most dating ends in adultery.

So, if Allah is not happy, why do dating sometimes get married? Well, this is what we have to underline. It is not the pleasure of Allah that is the way we do, not with the love that is present between them.

God matches someone not seen from the kind of way he has done to love him, but judging by how much he needs to love him.

So if you see someone else going out and getting married, that doesn't mean you can also follow in his footsteps. Because they are not matched because they are dating, but because God knows that with him he will be perfect.

Dating and dating are not a measure of Allah's pleasure or not for them, because even though if Allah is not pleased then surely Allah will separate them.

Dating is only a way to pick up a mate, and this is what Allah doesn't like. So remember, God is not happy with his way, it does not mean dating a barrier to match.

And, maybe this is what is called the destiny of love, but that does not mean you have to fall into your narrow mind.

So realize it is O akhi wa ukhti, how to pick up your soul mate yourself who determines, want to pass the haram or halal way? And the problem of mate or not only God knows.

So, if you really want your love, or from the beginning you pick him up always be matched with his blessings and kindness, then pick up by the way and the way that Allah likes, namely ta’aruf not dating.

You should not be busy thinking about the love story of someone who went out and finally happy ending, because the soul mate is God's business.

But what you have to think about and remember is always how to make your love story better, and bring good inspiration to others.

After all, if we want to think about it wisely, for what is still picking up a mate through courtship, if God has offered ta'aruf as the right way and way to get a good soul mate with the best blessing from Him.