How a Asian girl lose her Western boyfriend?

in #dating7 years ago

Dating is not easy. More and more I believe that dating or seduction requires so much of efforts of mind and communication art of both two parties. Why? Because people, as human being, follow a lot different values which they trust that were true. Once nobody want to give up their "ego", conflicts arise unexpectedly. Here are few tips to make the Western guy run away from Asian girl.

Why don't you take care for me?

Most of Asian girls has their own "standard" expectation depend on how she was. They are familiar with the Asian guys who would ready to treat them nicely like a King. She can be freely angry at her boy friend and he would propably, 100%, insisted her to "forgive" though he didnot really understand which faults he made. Asian guy, as a nature, can do thousand of things for girl before she could say "yes" for dating like buying her food, taking her to entertainment, making friend with her family, her relatives, her friends, care about her daily rountines, what she eat, when she sleep....all of those action, aimed to make her happy and satisfied for the first steps. Normally dating long time before they can get to closer.

Ofcourse, she would feel disappointed if her Western boyfriend, rarely care about what she was going to eat, when she sleep, what to do to make her happy. Even if she was sick, they also not much care because, may be they believe that, take care themselves is something certainly when a child is not a child anymore. She start to doubting whether he likes me?

After sex, will you marry me?

Hey, I am not joking. That is Asian style.

Dating with a Western guy is totally different. You meet him, you have many things in common, you start to think, wow, this is exactly the person you are looking for and start to dream of the family and children. You are even happier after first sex with second "wow": Wow, he had sex with me, he loved me! I am so happy"!
But that could be a joke with Western guy!

Now, I understood that Sex, for them, is just sex. It is not love. May be he has some feelings for you, but not sure whether he loved you or not! While in Asian culture teaches the girl not having physical touching before marriage, and once it happened, the guy mostly would marry her. Or in the other thoughts, if it happened, it means 80%, they want to marry and family orientation.

Yes, if you want to break up with Western guy because of the thoughts they were not serious, just do it.

Stop habits, hobby or anything that could make you happy and different from others

Again, Asian ladies after having boyfriends, they intend to sharing almost of her time for her guy with the hope that "he would be very happy if I can spend much more time with him, care about his rountines, stay by his side always. I sacrify my time, my hobby for him, he must be so happy".

Yes, you are doing right things to the broke - up time. Western guy, sometimes, colder than Asian guy. If he said " he likes you because of you are smart, you have interesting hobbies, you are amazing..or thousand of reasons". It means, yes, those are the things attracted him to you. Once you change something, his feelings might be lost completely.
Then Asian girl would start to blame on him, say bad about him, convey that was not true love. In fact, Western guy is more intellecture than being emotional. Yes, means yes, no means no. Today he said he didnot have feelings with you anymore. It means, yes, he doesnot have feelings with you anymore.

The funny things is once Asian girl dont spend time with the guy anymore, they again attach to their hobbies. :) And might be the same sequence would happen again. Sounds nice!

Idolize her Western boy friend

I dont talk about Oxytoxin hormon which make up your feelings. I mean, having a Western boy friend is something should be normal. But to be honest, somehow, might be in the thought of people " White is more intelligent than Yellow" is stronger. Somehow, she automatically, or worse, her friends, her family, start to think white is little higher level! SO bad! You should stop it!
I meet many western guys are not gentle man. But the most important is, love require the equality. when you start to think somebody is higher than you or you are higher than other, it means that is not healthy relationship.

Weak connection

If you date with Asian girl, you might have to date with her friend, with her family, everybody will concern who is her boy friend, disturb you, talk about you without of your knowledge and start again the stories of marriage or money.
Western guy would feel overwhelming for that. No, for sure, he would not do that. He is better to stay away from her family than anything like that.

But, if Asian girl want to hide her boyfriend to avoid all above problems from her family, he start to ask, "why dont you want to show off me to your community?"

Asian girl love to complain, Western guy not ready for listen.
She love to talk, you don't have time.
You want her to be the person you love, she ignore that idea.

That could be confused situations which need to be fixed and discussed unless separate your ways.

Life is not easy

After all, if your couples pass all of above things, congratulations! You are ahead to the successful love! You together go through culture barriers, you like each others, be ready for commitment, like any normal couples, you start to face with life problems like job, houses, family....
Good luck!



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