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RE: D's Data Dump: Quotes of truth- the fraud of the Federal Reserve and US Government

in #datadump7 years ago

Woodrow Wilson signing the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 along with going off the gold standard in 1933 were major blows to the value of the dollar. But the evil ones themselves....the Central Banks....and the ones that pull the strings....hmmm. They are major blows to the value of everything.
Great post!!! : )


and it begins W A Y before 1913!!!!


I saw something way back, don't see it anymore about why the sinking of the Titanic really took place. Was the Titanic carrying the bankers that were to set up the real banking system for America on that ship? What year did the Titanic sink, 1912? and when was the Fed Reserve announced, 1913? Hmmm

Oh darlin!! the sinking of the Titanic is a HUGE rabbit whole. First off, it wasn't the Titanic that was sunk, but it's sister ship the Olympia (I think that was the name?). And the reason why it was sunk was because onboard that ship were several high ranking bankers, officers and bigwigs who were all coming over to STOP the Federal Reserve Bill from passing Congress.