Computers obviously were much better before then they are today! ;)
Back in 1984, sending an "e-mail" was super-easy, and if you wanted to print it out that was even easier. Life sure has become more complicated over the years with all these tons of migs and megs cluttering up all kinds of systems across the world, so it sure was refreshing to stumble upon this peace of jewelry on the Interwebs this morning. Enjoy :)
Oh thats interesting to watch they first connect a telephone with pc and then dial some number , ask password, their you go in world of internet. Really pretty simple . Thanks @fyrstikken for sharing that, because most of us here think internet comes after 1990
This goes back before I even started using computers and I'm pretty old. I grew up as a Cobol programmer in the 80's.
Reminds me of:
Exactly, I work at a digital marketing agency and we actually use print marketing just because there is so much noise with email nowadays,
Yeah hehe
So true!
Roles reversed!
Back in the days you had that excitement from using a computer, not to say you had to go to the local computer coffee shop to use one. The good old days :).
Well time changes and we change with it.
Much love.
@fyrstikken I love that video! It´s so true.

At the age of 8 I blew up my grandmothers TV with my Sinclair ZX81 computer playing 1K Chess until 1am! She was very ill tempered afterwards!! Steem on! fyrs!
That was my first "computer", costed back then something like half a month's paychecque, and you could not even fill the TV screen, because that 1K could not hold that many pixels :-)
Ha ha! The brainless 1K computer! The TV must have laughed at its puny effort :)
Things are made with a limited life span these days and are ever more complicated. Corporations relies on us to buy their new products every 2 years or so to keep the profit rolling in. It is planned obsolescence.
Hello. Great article.
Have you ever heard about one of the first IBM that repaired its self? They pulled it from the market ASAP. In fact, only two executives knew about ti until a freaky youtube came out with a time traveler named John Titor.
Check it out because this is what made people investigate. It was all true about this IBM. Johns story may - or - may not be true.
Boy, I sure do miss the old days! Click clacking away on my Commodore 64, I was master of the world. There was that memorable day I upgraded my modems from 300 to 1200 baud, it was like going to full speed on the Enterprise. "Warp speed Mr. Sulu!"
And email, I don't read it much these days. It's mostly junk. Now, it's more like in your cartoon; the raw feeling of animal excitement as my heart rate accelerates at seeing a snail mail in my mailbox. Savoring that visceral experience of tearing off the flap of the envelope and revealing the mysteries of its contents. It's like ripping off the bodice of a woman and having great sex.
Thanks so much, @fyrstikken, for bringing back such wonderful memories of those glorious, halcyon days of computer bliss.
I remember going to a computer show where they were selling one of those BBC Micro B with with twin 800 Kilobyte drives (yes not megabyte) for £3000 !