in #data7 years ago

A researcher named Elihai Priest has collected a series of documents, originally released by FOIA, journalists, and other government and world entities.
He is referring to this as Project Insignia. A majority of this information is dated and has been released many times.
The new piece of information contained here is the Panetta recording of a kill order.
This is a sample of what I've uncovered so far. Much more research is needed as I only was able to view a few of the folders in full, and had to take a hard pause.
I have bolded sections that I believe are of note. If you have anything to add, please let me know and I will edit the post with the findings.
This collection is the ultimate example of "follow the money."
All non-Mega links have been archived.
Other posts on the sub today have simply linked to Twitter posts and YT interviews with Mr. Priest.

These interviewers wrongly attribute Priest as being a part of the Q movement. This is unconfirmed by Q and as far as we know, simply not true.

In listening to the interviews, Priest confirms that most of this information is old, and says he is not connected to Q. Remember to use discernment. We don't encourage PAYtriotism in any form.

This data has been organized fantastically by Priest, archived, and shared with the Great Awakening movement in order to spread awareness and so that folks will dig and make more connections. Many of the topics here make much sense when connecting to Q drops but a lot of work is needed.

START HERE: Original run-down synopsis
Dropbox link (currently unavailable)
Full collection of documents
Backup of full collection here
Executive Folder & Dig Summary
ID & credentials: He provides his own identification to authenticate any original content stored on Dropbox and Mega, including identification that links him to government entities. Priest claims that he had a relationship with someone connected to SIS and British Intelligence. I cast doubt on his claims as he is presenting much of this information as new, because the information I've been able to go through so far has been found earlier and elsewhere.
Key Documents: I believe we need to be focusing on this folder for Q drop related information. It contains classified documents pertaining to an FBI investigation requested by Ted Kennedy, evidence of Vatican bank accounts and money transfers, evidence of financial crimes committed in part by CIA, FBI, etc. If we can keep digging upon the Kennedy info, Five Star Trust, Project Hammer (see below) and others in this folder, this is prime information about the corruption of the DOJ and CIA.
The Kennedy information was released in part due to an FOIA request and as a part of FBI's Vault releases. I think this could definitely have some implications current-day. Priest's drop includes SWIFT notes. He says these notes are a part of "an ACCOUNTS folder, which substantiated fifteen million dollars taken from the Fed Reserve Bank through JP Morgan and onto RBS Global in 2009.

For reference: SWIFT, or the Strategic Work Information Folder Transfer (SWIFT) system has been the official system of record for processing FOIA requests for the US government. The function of SWIFT is to create an administrative file for requests, which documents actions performed by the agency including search activities, background information and notes, and responses.

This document talks about FIVE STAR TRUST. FIVE STAR TRUST is "an asset protection" company originally registered in the Isle of Man. Originally, I could not make the connection between the documents contained here, so I did some more digging. FIVE STAR TRUST is an asset company started by a man named Marion Horn Jr, originally partnered with BARON GUY ROTHSCHILD. This legal document I found corroborates the document linked in the Mega drop, stating that the General Robert Ferrera, head of clandestine operations for CIA, was also an original partner.

I also found a second document, which is rather strange. This document, signed by an executive secretary at FIVE STAR TRUST, alleges that General Ferrera was issued a false death certificate by the CIA and is in fact alive, and living out of the country. It implicates the BUSH and CLINTON family covering up financial crimes under the name of this company; therefore, due to these crimes, Ferrera was sent into hiding. For their work as a "front entity," this document says that FIVE STAR, the "Rothschild Banking Empire" and the CIA would be receiving each a third of the profits from these endeavors. This document says, "Maj General Ferrera was the individual who masterminded this tri-party agreement and behind the scenes directed its operation for THE NEW WORLD ORDER TO COME, that President BUSH had also approved and put in motion to take place as well."

A third document I found is a FOIA suit summary which is dated 2/7/11. This document says that the courts ruled that under National Security, all records related to Marion Horn Jr and FIVE STAR TRUST will not be released and to obtain documents would require the signature of the POTUS himself. This third document tells a truly fascinating and insane story about FIVE STAR TRUST and Marion Horne and the CIA.

Unfortunately, I found the same FBI FOIA document in Priests' Insignia drop here at Scribd:

Changing subjects...this document in particular caught my eye; it outlines funds and transactions originating from accounts connected to major religious leaders, including the VATICAN (including an account named Walnut - sound familiar?). However, this information is not new. It is also connected to the FIVE STAR TRUST information above. In the third outside source linked above, a lawyer for the VATICAN Bank is named. I found an OUTSTANDING article here discussing the same documents found in the Insignia Project drop, only the documents have been analyzed and there are hundreds of them, all neatly collected and linked at that blog - along with a stunning summary. If you read nothing else here, I highly recommend reading this blog post. The document signers of these financial transactions were H.E. President Robert Zoellick (President of The World Bank), H.E. Vice President Lars Thunell (CEO of the International Finance Corporation) and Queen Elizabeth (Chairman of The Committee of 300, The British Royal Family).

This drop by Q includes this crumb: "Vatican Bank. Clown connection."

This drop by Q, he wants us to learn about the CIA and Vatican conducting operations together.

In post 100, Q asks us, What are assets? Who is the Queen of England?

The primary account, called White Spiritual Boy, listed as being primarily owned by many heads of the church. The sum of money deducted automatically by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) from this single White Spiritual Boy account for bank charges and services for one quarter of the year 2010 was four hundred and sixty four trillion US Dollars. This compares with the total publicly acknowledged Global Gross Domestic Product of about seventy eight trillion US Dollars per year.

Incidentally, but the codename "White Spiritual Boy" for the shadow government's major off-ledger black and grey screen accounts is suggestive. White Spiritual Boy = WSB = Wall Street Bankers. Spiritual Wonder Boy = SWB = Secret World Banking. Could be, perhaps? Washington, a hitherto invisible Spiritual Wonder Boy account, privately audited by The Committee of 300 in December 2008. Most curious. Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich, a Russian oligarch and general, wrote that the group may also be known as the "Hidden Hand", which is headed by the Rothschild family of international financiers.

In plain language, in 2008, the US Federal Reserve Board had an invisible account on its off-ledger books holding 2,588 trillion trillion trillion quadrillion US Dollars. That is 2588 followed by fifty one noughts. An indescribable sum of money. These assets are known as "grey screen" transactions, definition below.

142 pages (158,000 words) of raw data about the White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts have been compiled on a separate blog page here, including the mysteriously named account... Walnut Account.

In one document Priest drops, it contains a partial list of 825+ bank accounts owned by Five Star Trust, who Priest says is a front for defense operators such as the CIA. The document mentioned these accounts are "on the international banking grey screen" and over one hundred trillion dollars. I didn't know what this "grey screen" was so I looked it up and found a case study explaining these strange transactions and accounts, along with a case study on the information Priest dropped here, which has actually been available for quite some time.

In short, Lord James of Blackheath - a respected British industrialist (passed away in 2012, only two weeks after he exposed a scam) being targeted by a "government who should know better" that involved the movement of $15,000,000,000,000.00 from the Federal Reserve. This exposure came around the same time that $6 Trillion in fake US Bonds were seized in Switzerland and another $2 Trillion in more fake US Bonds reportedly found in the Philippines (sauce is the 825 list of bank accounts above). There has been a massive piece of money laundering committed by a host of major governments which ought to know better.

In the "Black Eagle" and "SWIFT" subfolders, we see documentation of gold being transferred between countries' bank accounts, including Scotland. This document in another folder, "Project Hammer," describes what this is being used for - large sums of “black” gold, cash or other forms of convertible assets are used as “collateral” for programs. The CIA is primarily implicated in this scandal. During an investigation, Jonathan Kwitny learned that General Erle Cocke ran Nugan Hand Bank’s Washington office. In April 2000, Cocke gave a deposition running to 67 pages concerning his knowledge and involvement in Project Hammer. Ten days later he died from Pancreatic cancer. He was a Shriner Mason of many years standing and also was a member of the Knights of Malta, at one point alternate Executive Director of the World Bank. In his deposition, Cocke says "Well, it was mainly to bring monies back to the United States from all types of activities, both legitimatelyand illegitimately. Not that they were in the smuggling business per se, but they were all in the arms business" and that the primary participants were "Obviously, the CIA, the FBI, the National Security Agencies of all types, the Federal Reserve."

Early in drop 23, Q says: " CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil). Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent? They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors. Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top. "

Also noted in this Project Hammer drop is that the “Palace group” is a name for a privatized off-the-books appendage of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), another is Cocke & Phillips International (its foregoing British cousin and probably was and is– the firm remains active) one of the CIA’s private off-the-books companies. This conclusion is not only drawn from Cocke’s affiliation with the known CIA entity, Nugan Hand Bank, but another CIA front company called Associated Traders Corporation. MORE DIGS NEEDED HERE. I think this is extremely relevant to the information Q has been giving us as well. We now have the names of a ton of CIA shell companies and fronts. We need to use this information wisely.

In this drop, Q says:

What is money flow disruption?List the Billionaires.What family history goes back pre_WW1/2?Why is this relevant?Why did the Bush family recently break silence and attack POTUS?Coincidence pre SA arrests?Who audits the billions paid for war?Who audits the billions paid for environment policy (side note)?Where do the funds go?Offshore?To who / which entity and/or org?What slush fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions?What is Fast & Furious?What is the underlying theme?MONEY.Who controls the FED?

Priest also includes this - here is a piece from the Washington Post that was purportedly "killed" and never published, chronicling the crimes of Barry Seal and implicating the Clinton crew in Arkansas.

Another document is a DOJ Inspector General report, which are available to the public.!rrp02Sgb!dl1Odq-8TyYQaeA2UVRX4w!2vp11T4a

CIA Assets: This is a series of recordings about CIA/MI6 hit on an asset known as WhiteCat, ordered from Panetta, disclosed by Aussie operative.
DEA: Contains a video from another Patriot, ex DEA Mike Levine, showing a sample from the notebook of Oliver North. Priest says this folder will act as a place-marker for other DEA-related documents. (?)
Indonesia, Asio, & Mr Hamod: Unedited recordings of an interview Priest conducted. Priest implies that this evidence implicates the CIA backchanneling dirty money, but I cannot confirm this as of now. (?)
International enforcement: Various documents on international law surrounding drug trafficking. (?)
International support: Folder "includes digital response and footprint" to drops and intel. (?)
Nugan Hand Merchant Bank: and its' CIA connections. The bank has been accused of being a drug money front for the CIA. Frank Nugan, found dead with CIA director's business card in his jacket pocket, is of interest to us. Requests to the AUS government to commence investigation on this have been denied. Here is a story from AUS newspaper on the scandal. Interestingly, there is a Jonestown connection here as well, but MORE DIGS NEEDED.
Parliamentary Petitions: Priest's collection of communications with members of his government. (?) (Not sure why these folders are included)
Prosecution Folder: According to Priest, the "second most important" folder here, which includes correspondence, emails, between himself and others. I have not dug into this folder yet, but I don't see much connected here so far - nor anything to claim that this is "important."
Witness & Criminal Proceedings: Further recorded conversations with witnesses and parties. This includes what is likely the bombshell of the drop so far - the CIA asset recorded conversation and other recorded COMMS. I have collected links above of the recordings just in case. Remember to ARCHIVE OFFLINE, folks. CIA Recording YouTube link. CIA recording DropBox link.
Resources Reference: TIME cover, unconfirmed security clearance chart I've seen shared previously, JFK speech.
THE DRUG FILES: An entire collection of evidence that our government is complicit in conducting illegal drug trades. I did not have a chance to dig into this yet. I will update with more findings if and when necessary. DIGS NEEDED HERE.
Thank you for reading, if you got all the way through this.

I will edit post with update times if more is uncovered.