Dash has a new look!
So this happened...
I protested but by the time I realized new branding was coming it had already been approved. The worst thing is I think it was priced around one million dollars. 1 mil for this? In my opinion the previous logo was wayyy better, it's sharp, speaks of speed and accuracy.

The new logo looks more like something you'd find in a video game, my first instinct wouldn't be to trust my money to that logo. But oh well, c'est la vie!

How's everyone doing? Haven't posted in this Steemit account for some time because I've been busy developing the Spanish communities instead.
holy fuck havent seen u in 4 ever!
i hope life is being good to you.
cheers and hope to see you around more offten (might be my faulght, im not on full time like i use to ).
cheers and miss fighting wit u.
Got to help organize a few ICOs and been busy on my Spanish Steemit account. I'm glad to see you're doing well. Let's argue about something controversial soon ;)
thats awesome!
i didnt know you had a spanish account.
you should hook me up with the name of it so i can check it out.
Working on ico's sounds fun. any good ones i should know about?
also you know im always down for a good argument, especially from people that actually want be constructive in dialouge insted of just anger and trying to get "major ponage".
great seeing/talking to you and cant wait to get into some fun fighting. So much going on there is loads to talk about.
Keep kicking ass yo!
My thoughts exactly!