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RE: $DASH across America

in #dash7 years ago

Haha, I think 2nd layers of BTC will replace Dash soon. Infrastructure and network effect are very important and when BTC can do instant, cheap and anonymous transactions (will be soon) there is no use for Dash anymore.


WTF is it taking so long, they haven't got their ass up for years? Let me know your thoughts.

It's not a competition. We need both. I don't like the “corporation” structure of Dash, but as long as it is functioning for payments, we need it. And Litecoin. And Monero. And Steem. And EOS. And anything else that can prevent dark idea of “One Coin, One Government”…


I agree, good point

4,500 anonymous votes (masternodes) directly decide what gets done with Dash - I don't think many "corporations" act like that - that is more direct democracy.

yes Governance But also Consensus on Bitcoin is similar and Steem and our DPOS delegated proof of stake is the best idea moving forward for Democratic Republics and Government and legal systems in real life

Of Course our legal system should be some sort of Blockchain! And people should be able to influence court cases in a real open society not just some ancient egyptian group of 12 jurors, we should have a Bit Congress and Bit Legal system wBit College, University grading system on a blockchain, steemits model will help many aspects of life on Earth!

a PRIVATE steemit Blockchain where everyone gets automate high amounts of steempower, u have to be an employe in the company, its a website ONLY for employees of a company, u could make special steem hardforks or brand new DPOS type blockchains just for individual companies, maybe you could have a reward system for employes or students for clasroom, so many possibilities and especialy for private ones!

Man I wanna show u guys how fucked up Reddit users are to me, when i login here on steemit my inbox is all positive godo messages on redit its people saying theyre reporting me to get me banned from reddit for mntioning steemit, claiming im "advertising" when im simply trying to mantion something as im talking , as if ythey are the word police and thought polce! its REALLy crazy the hateful effect my talking about steemit gives to these teenagers on reddit! im just Ackza on reddit and its fucked man look at the comments its crazy people hate me and ban me from r/personalfinance for simply giving my opinion about Bitcoin being a guarantee to make money, and they literaly ban me from earthporn for simply making 1 comment about how people can post theiur photos to Steemit top make money LOl of COURSE they dont like that but theyre SUCH pussies! Reddit is SO SCARED of steemit! Just check my reddit profile!!

I even got banned from MEME economy for making 1 post where i said they could actuly acomplish the goal I ASKED about like months earlier where i said i wish we coudl monetize the popularity of all these new memes! and they fucki BANNED me when i made a post saying that i found my dream of monetizing memes an showed example of how a comment on steemit can make money...they fuckin HATE money theyre twisted little fuckin brats who think money = satain, they are FREE moderators on a site that doesnt EVER pay them, NO reddit mod EVER gets paid not on ANY subreddit! not EVEN the most POPULAR subtreddits! its just a worthless title anyone can be made a mod! i am the admin of a bunch of popular subreddits like r/santacrux and r/illuminati and r/mescaline and ive been on reddit 10 years those reddit users have no respect for me, and here on steemit i build respect by earning steenmpower! here on steemit a steemit user can actually fucking HELP followers and helppeople earn a living off of their upvotes! We are so much more superior tio reddit it nmakes me sad to imagine all the wasted lives on reddit sad peopel who sit there making no money wasting their lves on reddit and theyll STAY on reddit because t heir gros reddit frinds will tell them theyre not allowed to use steemit

its so sad i want to free all the reddit users, i want the redditers to jpin steemit and be free of the hivemind

Tell em to fuck off on Reddit.