Dark They Were and golden eyed

in #dark6 years ago

The rocket metal cooled in the meadow winds.its lid gave a bulging pop.from its clock interior stepped a man and three children.the other passengers whirled away across the martian leaving the man alone among his family.the man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body draw light as if he were standing at the centar of a vacuum.

His wife before him seemed almost to whirl away in smoke.the children small seeds might at any instant be swon to all the martian climes.the children looked up at him as people look to the sun to tell what time of thair life it is.his face was cold.what,s wrong asked his wife.lets get up bach on the rocket.go back to earth

The wind below as if to flake away there identities.at any moment the martain air might draw his soul from him as marrow comes from a white bone.he felt submergedin a chemical that could dissolove his intellect and burn away his past.they looked at martain hills that time had wron with a crushing pressure of years.they saw the old cities lost in thair meads lying likes children dicided bones among the blowing lakes of gross.

The children with their yellow hair hollered at the deep dome of martain sky.there was no answer but the racing his of wind through the stiff gross.he picked up the luggage in his could hands.here he go he said a man standing on the edge of a sea ready to wade in and be drowned.rthere name was Bittering......Harry and his wife cora dan lura and david.they bulit a small white cottage and ate good brakefast there but the fear was never gone